RDB2RDF mapping


My name is Darya Tarasova and I'm a 3rd-year PhD student at University of

Currently I'm working on proposing the best practices in creating the
RDB2RDF mappings and I need community feedback on my investigations.

Could you please fill out the form, available on
. The questionnaire consists of about 15 questions and should not take more
than 5-10 minutes of your time.

Answering the questionnaire will help as a lot, as we do not have any other
way to evaluate our work. You can choose either to stay incognito or to
fill out your personal data to be personally thanked in the Acknowledgement
section of the future paper.

Please, share the link with anybody, who could help us!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Kind regards,

Darya Tarasowa

Phd student

Enterprise Information Systems Department, University of Bonn,

Fraunhofer IAIS <http://www.iais.fraunhofer.de/>  <http://aksw.org/>


Received on Friday, 13 December 2013 13:16:14 UTC