Problem executing the TH Software

Dear all,

I am responsible for testing the DM for D2RQ tool.
So I've already created all the directGraph-d2rq.ttl for each test case.
They have the same name but different location. Each one is into its
respective folder: the root folder of the test case.

I downloaded the TH software and unzipped it in C:\Users\Luis\TH
So I moved the ts1 folder to this folder above.
After that I changed the ts.ttl file with this:

@prefix test: <> .
@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix rdb2rdftest: <> .
@base <> .
@prefix doap:<>.

<ts> a rdb2rdftest:TestSuite;
    dcterms:title "Test Suite for Direct Mapping" ;
    dcterms:identifier "TS-01" ;
    rdb2rdftest:workingDirectory "C:/Users/Luis/TH/ts1" .

        a doap:Project ;
        doap:name "d2r" ;
        doap:homepage "" ;
        rdb2rdftest:implementsDirectMapping true ;
        rdb2rdftest:implementsR2RML false .

But when I run on Windows:
java -jar rdb2rdf-th.jar ts.ttl -cp lib/*
I receive the error message:
"Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from rdb2rdf-th.jar"

I tried to rename the file rdb2rdf-th to include the .bat extension at the
end, but when I run:
rdb2rdf-th ts.ttl
I receive another error message:
NoClassDefFoundError: TCScanner

Does anyone could help me?

Luís Eufrasio T. Neto

"Ser LIVRE é ser capaz de AMAR sem exigir nada em troca."

Received on Wednesday, 2 May 2012 15:08:52 UTC