Re: R2RML: comments on spec and test cases

On 26 Sep 2011, at 12:19, Toby Inkster wrote:
> It would be useful if the tests didn't use schema-qualified table
> names (e.g. "SCOTT.DEPT"). Although my implementation does support
> schema-qualified table names, I've been running the test cases on
> SQLite, which does not support schemas (at least, not in a normal way).
> Given that there is no longer a rr:tableOwner predicate, support for
> schemas doesn't seem to be an "feature" that an R2RML test suite
> should be testing for - i.e. because it's a feature of the underlying
> database, not a feature of R2RML.

Allowed values of rr:tableName include both schema-qualified names and unqualified names. Therefore there should be test cases that cover both of these options.

Having a single test case that uses a qualified name would be sufficient to cover this case.

If using unqualified names everywhere else increases compatibility with database engines then we should do it.


Received on Tuesday, 27 September 2011 12:47:58 UTC