Re: Where to capture the need for additional test cases?

Hi Richard

You can include suggestions for new TCs here [1]
I've already included your suggestion.

Also there is a matrix that shows the coverage of the R2RML TCs [2]

your suggestions are always more than welcome.



On 04/11/2011 18:47, Richard Cyganiak wrote:
> Hi Boris,
> I ask you as the TC editor: If I come across something that should have a test case, where do I best capture that? Is there a wiki page or something where I can list things that should be covered by a test case?
> Since I don't know the answer so far, I'll just put it here:
> We should have an R2RML test case for an empty R2RML mapping file. It produces an empty output dataset.
> Best,
> Richard

Received on Friday, 4 November 2011 18:34:02 UTC