Progress with Issue 4 etc

Dear all,

I want to just draw your attention to a resolution taken [1] during the WG call held on Wednesday this week (15:00 New York, 21:00 Vienna). It says:

"Today, mark issues 4 and 92 as pending-close. Merge PR 97 on friday, and close issues 4 and 92. Leave issue 89 open. Create new issue about adding a diagram about the algorithm."

This means that - unless someone speaks up pretty much straight away - the question "what is the output" as originally asked at our kick off meeting has been resolved. The discussion around Issue 4 has been going on for a long time and has strayed into other areas so I'm glad we seem to have come to a resolution on it and related matters.

As Sebastian was right to point out, of course all issues can be reopened, PRs can be re-wound and new ones proposed, new issued added.

I have created the new issue related to the diagram so that very useful work is not lost.

NB. The meeting on Wednesday was at the time we thought we might have to have our extra calls but, as noted in previous emails, we're sticking with 10:00 EST from now on, alternating between Tuesday and Wednesday. Our next call is on Wednesday 10th.




Phil Archer
Web Solutions Director, GS1

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Received on Friday, 5 May 2023 12:53:56 UTC