- From: Phil Ritchie <phil.ritchie@vistatec.com>
- Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2016 10:55:43 +0000
- To: "public-rax@w3.org" <public-rax@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <aee02f29827043fb91cdaea50cf9555a@vistaexch4.vistatec.ie>
All Below are details of our regular call tomorrow. When: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=RDF+and+XML+Community+Group&iso=20160930T13&p1=78&ah=1 Please join IRC: Web client: http://irc.w3.org Channel: #rax Wiki main page: https://www.w3.org/community/rax/wiki/Main_Page Draft material: https://www.w3.org/community/rax/wiki/Draft_Material Agenda: To review the sections of the wiki draft page and gather feedback. Dial in details: RDF and XML Community Fri, Sep 30, 2016 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM GMT Daylight Time Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/825788429 You can also dial in using your phone. United States +1 (312) 757-3117 United States (Toll-free) 1 866 899 4679 Access Code: 825-788-429 More phone numbers Argentina (Toll-free) 0 800 444 5384 Australia (Toll-free) 1 800 189 049 Australia +61 2 8355 1039 Austria (Toll-free) 0 800 202144 Austria +43 7 2088 1033 Bahrain (Toll-free) 800 81 027 Belarus (Toll-free) 8 820 0011 0209 Belgium (Toll-free) 0 800 81382 Belgium +32 (0) 28 93 7001 Brazil (Toll-free) 0 800 047 4902 Bulgaria (Toll-free) 00800 120 4420 Canada (Toll-free) 1 888 299 1889 Canada +1 (647) 497-9379 Chile (Toll-free) 800 395 145 China (Toll-free) 4008 866143 Colombia (Toll-free) 01 800 012 9056 Czech Republic (Toll-free) 800 143570 Denmark (Toll-free) 8025 3112 Denmark +45 69 91 89 21 Finland (Toll-free) 0 800 94503 Finland +358 (0) 923 17 0555 France (Toll-free) 0 805 541 043 France +33 (0) 170 950 585 Germany (Toll-free) 0 800 723 5120 Germany +49 (0) 692 5736 7301 Greece (Toll-free) 00 800 4414 3554 Hong Kong (Toll-free) 30713171 Hungary (Toll-free) (06) 80 986 258 Iceland (Toll-free) 800 9871 India (Toll-free) 000 800 852 1424 Indonesia (Toll-free) 001 803 657 028 Ireland (Toll-free) 1 800 946 534 Ireland +353 (0) 19 030 050 Israel (Toll-free) 1 809 452 627 Italy (Toll-free) 800 792498 Italy +39 0 693 38 75 50 Japan (Toll-free) 0 120 352 900 Korea, Republic of (Toll-free) 0806110880 Luxembourg (Toll-free) 800 29524 Malaysia (Toll-free) 1 800 81 6859 Mexico (Toll-free) 01 800 228 6901 Netherlands (Toll-free) 0 800 022 6321 Netherlands +31 (0) 208 080 208 New Zealand (Toll-free) 0 800 47 0050 New Zealand +64 9 925 0481 Norway (Toll-free) 800 69 054 Norway +47 21 54 82 21 Panama (Toll-free) 00 800 226 8838 Peru (Toll-free) 0 800 54684 Philippines (Toll-free) 1 800 1651 0714 Poland (Toll-free) 00 800 1213978 Portugal (Toll-free) 800 819 673 Romania (Toll-free) 0 800 410 026 Russian Federation (Toll-free) 8 800 100 6217 Saudi Arabia (Toll-free) 800 844 3635 Singapore (Toll-free) 800 101 2999 South Africa (Toll-free) 0 800 555 449 Spain (Toll-free) 800 900 578 Spain +34 911 82 9890 Sweden (Toll-free) 020 980 768 Sweden +46 (0) 853 527 817 Switzerland (Toll-free) 0 800 000 278 Switzerland +41 (0) 435 0167 65 Taiwan (Toll-free) 0 800 666 674 Thailand (Toll-free) 001 800 852 2427 Turkey (Toll-free) 00 800 4488 29256 Ukraine (Toll-free) 0 800 50 0751 United Arab Emirates (Toll-free) 800 018 1948 United Kingdom (Toll-free) 0 800 031 4726 United Kingdom +44 (0) 330 221 0099 Uruguay (Toll-free) 000 413 598 4114 Viet Nam (Toll-free) 122 80 105 First GoToMeeting? Try a test session: http://help.citrix.com/getready <http://help.citrix.com/getready> Phil Phil Ritchie Chief Technology Officer | Vistatec Vistatec House, 700 South Circular Road, Kilmainham, Dublin 8, Ireland. Tel: +353 1 416 8000 | Direct: +353 1 416 8024 Email: phil.ritchie@vistatec.com<mailto:phil.ritchie@vistatec.com> www.vistatec.com<http://www.vistatec.com> | ISO 9001 | ISO 13485 | EN 15038 [Logo] Think Global [Facebook]<https://www.facebook.com/vistatec> [LinkedIn] <http://www.linkedin.com/company/vistatec> [Twitter] <https://twitter.com/Vistatecglobal> [Google Plus] <https://plus.google.com/+VistatecGlobal/posts> Vistatec Ltd. Registered in Ireland 268483. Registered Office, Vistatec House, 700, South Circular Road, Kilmainham. Dublin 8. Ireland. The information contained in this message, including any accompanying documents, is confidential and is intended only for the addressee(s). The unauthorized use, disclosure, copying, or alteration of this message is strictly forbidden. If you have received this message in error please notify the sender immediately. @|from|displayname|@ | @|from|title|@ | VistaTEC VistaTEC House, 700 South Circular Road, Kilmainham, Dublin 8, Ireland. Tel: +353 1 416 8000 Email: @|from|mail|@ | www.vistatec.com | ISO 9001 | EN 15038 Expert Leadership in Global Content Solutions
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Received on Thursday, 29 September 2016 10:56:17 UTC