Re: Agenda for rax concall tomorrow

> Am 22.07.2016 um 14:01 schrieb Kuys, Gerard <>:
> Dear all,
> I apologize for having to miss this meeting so close to the process. However, I decided that for me it would be more effective to work out my own problem statement than trying to follow the discussion.  (By the way, where can I find Felix's proposals?).

See here <>
and the short discussion during today’s call.

> I hope I will able in this way to contribute a little bit more.
> The problem I am working on and which I intend to make it a use case for this group, is about converting the archival EAD standard (in XML all the way) to a feasible model in RDF. Some mapping has been done already (e..g. by Antoine Isaac) but that still is way from finding a kind of automated or semi-automated conversion mechanism. 

That is a very interesting use case. Looking forward to your detailed description.



> I am OK with first week of September as the next concall date. I hope to have finished my use case by then.
> Regards,
> Gerard
> Van: Dirschl, Christian <>
> Verzonden: donderdag 21 juli 2016 14:47:41
> Aan:
> Onderwerp: Agenda for rax concall tomorrow
> Dear group,
> here is the agenda for tomorrow’s meeting and the credentials for participation.
> 1.       Go through and discuss material available on github and ask for a bit more detailed input
> 2.       Discuss Felix’ proposal on topics structure that we currently cover and how this can be used in our working environment
> a..       functionality needed: convert XML to RDF, or the other way round
> b..       way to implement it: with standard technologies (e.g. XSLT on the XML side) or with enhancements
> c..       enhancements being an ad hoc program (see Quentin’s approach described in a mail yesterday: "The approach is supplemented by a library of Java functions  that can be called from XSLTs to process the graph.“)
> d..       enhancements being kind of „standard“ or at least a declarative form (see in reply to Quentin: Christoph describing which provides an abstraction layer)
> 3.       Collect new ideas on topics we should add and work on right now
> 4.       Discuss usage of github for this documentation purpose in general
> 5.       Agree on next concall date – proposal is first week of September, due to holiday season in August
> 6.       AOB
> Here are the credentials:
> <>
> I very much hope that as many of you as possible can make it tomorrow.
> Best
> Christian and Phil
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Received on Friday, 22 July 2016 12:32:16 UTC