Agenda for rax concall tomorrow

Dear group,

here is the agenda for tomorrow's meeting and the credentials for participation.

1.       Go through and discuss material available on github and ask for a bit more detailed input

2.       Discuss Felix' proposal on topics structure that we currently cover and how this can be used in our working environment

a.       functionality needed: convert XML to RDF, or the other way round

b.       way to implement it: with standard technologies (e.g. XSLT on the XML side) or with enhancements

c.       enhancements being an ad hoc program (see Quentin's approach described in a mail yesterday: "The approach is supplemented by a library of Java functions  that can be called from XSLTs to process the graph.")

d.       enhancements being kind of "standard" or at least a declarative form (see in reply to Quentin: Christoph describing which provides an abstraction layer)

3.       Collect new ideas on topics we should add and work on right now

4.       Discuss usage of github for this documentation purpose in general

5.       Agree on next concall date - proposal is first week of September, due to holiday season in August

6.       AOB

Here are the credentials:

I very much hope that as many of you as possible can make it tomorrow.

Christian and Phil

Received on Thursday, 21 July 2016 12:48:16 UTC