- From: Manu Sporny <msporny@digitalbazaar.com>
- Date: Sun, 14 Apr 2013 22:35:32 -0400
- To: Tao Lin <taolin.bnuep@gmail.com>
- CC: ivan@w3.org, scorlosquet@gmail.com, gregg@kellogg-assoc.com, lindstream@gmail.com, public-qa-dev@w3.org
On 04/14/2013 10:56 AM, Tao Lin wrote: > I'm Tao Lin, an undergraduate student from China. I'm very > interested in contributing to W3C for RDFa [1] in GSoC 2013. Hi Tao, a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for your interest in GSoC 2013. > 1. Introduction to myself I've successfully completed 2 GSoC projects > for the past 2 years. Especially in GSoC 2012, I added the RDFa > metadata support for Apache ODF Toolkit [2], in order to provide the > abilities to annotate parts of the ODF [3] document and the document > itself with arbitrary RDFa annotations. I have good knowledge of > Semantic Web related technologies, like RDF, RDFa, Linked Data and > schema.org. I'm also interested in website development in the > front-end, with the skills of Javascript, HTML5 and D3.js. Although I > don't know the new standard of JSON-LD, I think I can study and get > familiar with it within days. Very impressive! > 2. About the RDFa project I just went through the project ideas [1]. > The following one attracts me a lot: - Expand the > http://rdfa.info/play/ tool to add support for JSON-LD, more/smoother > visualizations of data. That would be a pretty fun project to work on. There are a number of new features that we'd like to add, so it's great that you are interested in working on it. > However, the description of this project is "only a starting point". > It's greatly appreciated if you can tell me more details. What are > the requests, the new functions of the play tool. Here are a couple of requests: * Include a large number of schema.org examples in a way that doesn't complicate the web interface. For example, see the Microdata markup for the following: http://schema.org/Movie - We would like examples for almost every schema.org class that there is. * Create a tinyurl/permalink service to make it easier to link to examples. See 'permalink' here: http://json-ld.org/playground/ * Add a "template-mode" to the playground where developers can pick from a template like a Person, Place, or Event, fill in fields for the object and have the HTML auto-generated for them. > For example, what kinds of more visualizations? We haven't thought through these fully, but we'd like to see if any of these visualizations would provide a better understanding of the graph. We would also like to know if being able to collapse/expand nodes would be helpful to developers. http://bl.ocks.org/4062045 http://mbostock.github.com/d3/talk/20111116/force-collapsible.html http://bl.ocks.org/1377729 > What's smoother visualization? If you edit the HTML data, you will notice that the visualization below is completely re-drawn when in many cases only one node should appear or disappear. We'd like to make it so that when one node is added to the graph, that only the node appears instead of the entire graph needing to be re-drawn. > How to support JSON-LD in details? We would have to figure out a way to transform the RDFa to JSON-LD. There is already a library for dealing with JSON-LD here: https://github.com/digitalbazaar/jsonld.js/ We would have to read in RDFa from the HTML input box, then use the JSON-LD library to convert the RDFa to JSON-LD, and then display the JSON-LD in an more readable way for Web developers (without using CURIEs, for example). This would require you to: 1. Create a few new JSON-LD contexts for popular vocabularies like schema.org. 2. Create a JSON-LD syntax highlighter for CodeMirror. 3. Create the glue code to go from RDFa (using the Green Turtle library), to JSON-LD. There are examples of how to do this online. > The GSoC project will last for 3 month. I'd like to divide it into > some specific tasks, and then make a plan with a timeline > accordingly. Now I need your help for the task list. Thanks a lot! This is a question to the rest of the people cc'd on this e-mail. Can you think of other features that you'd like to see in the RDFa Play tool? Tao can pick from the ones that interest him the most. -- manu -- Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny, G+: +Manu Sporny) Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc. blog: Google Summer of Code 2013: RDFa, JSON-LD, Web Payments http://digitalbazaar.com/2013/03/12/gsoc/
Received on Monday, 15 April 2013 02:36:03 UTC