Re: Validator timeout and XML-LibXML bug

On Monday 14 June 2010, Ville Skyttä wrote:

> [...] And I think the only things that could be done about that is get
> XML::LibXML fixed, [...]

By the way the reason I haven't already tried to do this is that I'm not a C 
programmer.  It might not be a hard task for someone with good enough C 
skills.  If someone takes a look into it and has even more extra time to 
spare, there are also a couple of other things I'd like to see changed/fixed 
in it (I haven't got around to reporting these upstream yet):

- Get rid of non-structured errors altogether.
- Maybe provide a way to traverse error chains from top to bottom (currently
  it's bottom to top only, using $err->_prev()).
- Make SGML open catalogs work.  libxml should have support for them but I
  couldn't get them to work with XML::LibXML at all.

Received on Tuesday, 15 June 2010 05:50:33 UTC