Re: bogus path info on feed validator reqs; robots.txt

Hi Gerald,

On 16-Oct-08, at 2:42 AM, Gerald Oskoboiny wrote:
> This happens because web bots commonly add or remove trailing
> slashes from URIs at will, then when they come along and request
> something like they end
> up in infinite URI spaces like the above.
> Could you please update the feed validator and any other scripts
> you can think of that have this same problem to return something
> besides HTTP 200 in this case? (either a redirect or an error)

How would you recommend to do that?

An apache rule, or a patch to the cgi? If the former, any pointer to  
how it is best done would be appreciated. If the latter, I suspect the  
feedback would be better sent upstream to the feedvalidator list, so  
that any patch can benefit all the instances of the tool.



Received on Friday, 17 October 2008 14:43:57 UTC