[CSSValidator] CSS level priorities

Hello Bert and Olivier,

I'd like to ask you some questions about how the validator should react when
a property is not in the CSS default version but in another.
The way the different profile are store is this one:

   1. css1
   2. mobile
   3. svgbasic
   4. svg
   5. tv
   6. atsc-tv
   7. svgtiny
   8. css21
   9. css3
   10. css2

Changing the way it's store is a bad solution
So even if we reorder this list in alphabetical order, in some case, it
could take tv profile instead of css3 profile.
Should we only use css* profiles, so that inverse alphabetical order should
be OK?
If not, do you mind if I add a priority information (what would be the
priority order in this case?) in the configuration file?

thanks for your response.

Received on Wednesday, 5 September 2007 16:41:01 UTC