Roadmap to CSS validator release - your participation welcome

Hi all,

In a discussion today Karl suggested that I could send an idea of the  
tasks I felt were necessary before we could release the version of  
the CSS validator that has been under development for a while.

Timing is not critical, but it would be really nice to start either a  
release (unlikely, but would be great) or a beta test (more likely)  
on the date of the 10th birthday of CSS.

I'll be trying to focus on this tool for the next few weeks. If  
anyone would like to give a hand, please use this mail thread to do  
so, and we can coordinate from here.

* Translations

  - get the italian files fixes (our translator did a good job, but  
his browser, with which he originally saved the files, did not). I  
plan to do this today, haven't heard from the translator who said he  
would do it.

  - get new interface and docs translated in Dutch, Spanish (only the  
doc), German. Ask either regional w3c offices or past translators -

  - finish adding language selection menu everywhere.

* Bugs and Warnings

  - There are more than a few bugs in bugzilla, looking into fixing a  
few would be timely

  - Improve the warning for no-color and no-background-color. If  
possible, perhaps, split the case when no color is set, and the case  
where "transparent" is set on purpose. Make the warning text a little  
softer, e.g instead of
[[ You have no color with your background-color ]]
[[ You have no color set (or color is set to transparent) but you  
have set a background-color. You should make sure that cascading of  
colors keeps the text reasonably visible. ]]

  - Peter was working on adding a check for sufficient color-contrast  
when color and background-color are set. That would be a very cool  
addition. We'll see if Peter has time to finish it in the next few  

* Jigsaw config (on qa-dev for now, and at release time on the  
production server)

  - add all new docs (esp. new language docs) to Jigsaw indexes

  - set up redirects from all past "advanced interface" to the now  
unique home page.

* Styling

  - need to review styling of results. It's very ugly at the moment.

* Beta-Test

  - We need a beta test, especially for the scripting on the home page.

olivier Thereaux - W3C -
W3C Open Source Software:

Received on Friday, 24 November 2006 07:45:47 UTC