Re: [ucn] adding an observer (and somehow failing so far)


Le vendredi 18 août 2006 à 10:06 +0200, Damien LEROY a écrit :
> > 3) is it possible to check the various configuration files for (at
> > least) xml-wellformedness at build time? No big deal if it's not
> > possible, but it would certainly be helpful if the errors were shown
> > by `ant war` rather than hidden deep in the tomcat directory structure.
> I'm think it's possible to add in the "war" ant target a run to check
> the "xml-wellformedness", so i add this to my todo list.
> Damien.

I am not sure to understand what you want to add in the ant file.
Building Unicorn is completely independent from the tasks and
configuration files. 
For example, you can build Unicorn without those files, or you can
change the configuration without having to re-build everything.

Errors are reported in the servlet because xml-wellformedness of config
files and everything else is checked at run time, during the
initialization of the servlet (to initialize the servlet, there are at
least two ways: restarting tomcat or using the tomcat manager web
interface). There is no need to rebuild everything for Unicorn to
understand a task has changed. Moreover, we could add a feature that
would automagically reload the tasklist when it changes (using files

So, you can add a target in ant, to check that, but I don't think it
would be very helpful since one of the aims of Unicorn is to avoid
having to re-build it after each change in the tasks, observers or
templates. Improving messages in log files and splitting them (it might
already be the case, I don't remember) would be far more useful. You
could have for example one file for errors in the tasklist, one for
errors in the observers list, one for errors in contracts and one for
errors in templates. Another interesting one would log all the requests
coming from the end-user and their associated errors. And something very
important would be to describe all these log files in a README or
something like that :).

Jean-Guilhem Rouel <>

Received on Tuesday, 22 August 2006 03:00:54 UTC