Re: WSDL for W3C Validators

On Nov 1, 2005, at 5:37, Karl Dubost wrote:
> It might not be an emergency and it's just a question which popped up 
> in my mind. I guess there will be a time when people will ask about 
> "WSDL for W3C validators".

Speaking of WSDL, we haven't got any response to
[[ Migrating the validator's experimental XML output to SOAP ]]

Any thought on the proposed plan to:
- finish documenting the interface, the namespace, and publish the WSDL;
- backport the feature from the version 0.8.0-dev onto a 0.7.2 release,
   with an output=soap12 access. The output=xml would still be available,
   but deprecated;
- and when releasing 0.8.0, the output=xml would be eventually removed,
   or replaced with the SOAP output.

(replies to the thread in w-v probably best).


Received on Tuesday, 1 November 2005 02:18:15 UTC