Re: getting more participation for development

Le 05-07-01 à 03:44, olivier Thereaux a écrit :
> Good point. I have taken your list and put in in 
> topic/SoftwareProjects for others to add potential projects.

Did I say I love templates :p

Why because it helps people to address in a systemic way the  
projects. Then for each identified porjects a set of appropriate  
question would help to fill the holes and to propose participation  
when it's possible.

For example, let's say I'm a cool guy who has love for W3C, and I  
have discovered the page Software Projects:

     a CPAN Perl module that takes a document and

     some information about the location of an error

     in the document as input and gives back a source

     code excerpt

It's still a bit dry for me. So detailing each project in an uniform  
way will help
     - the user to get involved
     - identify the conceptual requirements
     - break the project in pieces (code, doc, testing)

So Basically, there is the project and the packaging of the  
introduction to the projects. I know that for me, packaging is often  
which helps me jump into something (Yes I know… I'm weak, I like  
beautiful colours ;)

Maybe we could get hints at:

To read maybe too. 

Karl Dubost -
W3C Conformance Manager
*** Be Strict To Be Cool ***

Received on Monday, 4 July 2005 21:19:16 UTC