Validation with 66 lines of code...


  Except for SGML::Parser::OpenSP 0.99 the following script is able to
validate HTML/XHTML documents using only CPAN modules; except for some
features like showing an outline of the document and complaining about
encoding errors and missing doctypes this should be as good as the
current Markup Validator. Of course, output is plain text only and it
lacks error checking, etc

  #!perl -w
      $ENV{SP_CHARSET_FIXED} = 1;      
      $ENV{SP_ENCODING}      = "UTF-8";
      $ENV{SP_BCTF}          = "UTF-8";
  sub ErrorHandler::new {bless {p=>$_[1]}, shift}
  sub ErrorHandler::error
    push @{$_[0]->{errors}}, $_[0]->{p}->split_message($_[1])
  use strict;
  use warnings;
  use SGML::Parser::OpenSP 0.99 qw();
  use HTML::Encoding            qw();
  use HTML::Doctype             qw();
  use LWP::UserAgent            qw();
  use Encode                    qw();
  use I18N::Charset             qw();
  our $HTML_CATALOG = "sgml.soc";
  our $XML_CATALOG  = "xml.soc";
  our @SP_OPTS =
  my $u = LWP::UserAgent->new;
  my $p = SGML::Parser::OpenSP->new;
  my $h = HTML::Doctype::Detector->new($p);
  my $e = ErrorHandler->new($p);
  my $r = $u->get("");
  my $name1 = HTML::Encoding::encoding_from_http_message($r);
  my $name2 = I18N::Charset::enco_charset_name($name1);
  my $text = Encode::decode($name2 => $r->content);
  # XHTML detection
  my $is_xhtml = $h->is_xhtml;
  # Validation
  $p->catalogs($is_xhtml ? $XML_CATALOG : $HTML_CATALOG);
  $p->warnings(@SP_OPTS, $is_xhtml ? 'xml' : ());
  foreach my $error (@{$e->{errors}})
      my $prim = $error->{primary_message};
      printf "[%4d %4d %s]: %s\n",

This would currently print

  [  89   17 E]: there is no attribute "LEFTMARGIN"
  [  89   31 E]: there is no attribute "TOPMARGIN"
  [  89   48 E]: there is no attribute "MARGINHEIGHT"
  [  89   64 E]: there is no attribute "MARGINWIDTH"
  [  99   32 E]: document type does not allow element "FORM" here
  [ 100    3 E]: document type does not allow element "TR" here
  [ 106   77 E]: there is no attribute "BORDER"
  [ 667   73 E]: required attribute "TYPE" not specified

Received on Sunday, 7 November 2004 03:29:04 UTC