[meeting] notes and log - 20040720

Participants: Terje, Nick, Ville, Bjoern, olivier

New Action Items:
ACTION: Olivier to commit new HTML 4 PNG to Validator CVS
ACTION: Olivier to write release notes for checklink
ACTION: Terje to apply Nick's patch
ACTION: Terje to merge HEAD+current in HEAD
ACTION: Terje to send mail to public-qa-dev about issues to fix after 
merging current code and HEAD.
ACTION: Bjoern to write an XSLT to transform MarkupValidator's What's 
new to RSS.


* Review of action items *

  - progress on creating set of "valid foo" badges in SVG, thanks to Dean
  - fixed HTML401.png should also be added to the repository for v.w.o
  - also, olivier will see about setting -kb in global 

* Checklink *

All pre-4.0 fixes completed by Ville, ready for release.
Olivier will work on the release notes, for a release on friday. Ville 
will create the tarballs/rmps/upload to pause.

* Markup Validator *

Terje will apply Nick's patch for a (simple, maintenance, low profile) 
release on friday, then will merge the two branches to HEAD.

The question of branching again after that was extensively discussed:
[hope I have recorded your thoughts accuratele - feel free to clarify 
or correct]
  - Bjoern wants to be able to work on m12n and is against working on 
two codebases at the same time; Ville does not have anything against 
branches per se but does not find branching absolutely necessary, Terje 
thinks doing m12n on a single HEAD would stop us from adding any 
feature or releasing a fix for a very long time, and Nick just wants a 
branch he can work on, and would be OK with 2 branches (HEAD and 
RELEASE) if no commits are made to RELEASE except backports from HEAD.

  - at least agreement was reached on:
	1 merging current code with HEAD -> HEAD
	2 Terje lists issues remaining after the merge
	3 fixing the resulting HEAD
	4 releasing HEAD

Next meeting august 3rd. Potential regrets: Ville, Nick.

Attached (trimmed) log, courtesy of Bjoern.

Received on Wednesday, 21 July 2004 01:55:29 UTC