Survey questions

Hi folks,

Here are the demographic questions pulled from the StackOverflow survey.
I've also made them available as a gist[1].

# Demographics survey questions

_All questions in this section are optional. As a reminder, all reporting
of the survey responses will be anonymized._

What is your age (in years)? If you prefer not to answer, you may leave
this question blank.


Which of the following describes you, if any? Please check all that apply.
If you prefer not to answer, you may leave this question blank.
- I have a concentration and/or memory disorder (e.g. ADHD)
- I have a mood or emotional disorder (e.g. depression, bipolar disorder)
- I have an anxiety disorder
- I have autism/an autism spectrum disorder (e.g. Asperger’s)
- Prefer not to say
- None of the above
- Or, in your own words: [INPUT FIELD]

Which of the following describes you, if any? Please check all that apply.
If you prefer not to answer, you may leave this question blank.
- Black or of African decent
- East Asian
- Hispanic or Latino/a/x
- Middle Eastern
- White or of European descent
- Biracial
- Indigenious (such as Native American, Pacific Islander, or Indigenious
- South Asian
- Multiracial
- Southeast Asian
- I don’t know
- Prefer not to say
- Or, in your own words: [INPUT FIELD]

Which of the following describes you, if any? Please check all that apply.
If you prefer not to answer, you may leave this question blank.
- I am blind/have difficulty seeing
- I am deaf/hard of hearing
- I am unable to/find it difficult to type
- I am unable to/find it difficult to walk or stand without assistance
- Prefer not to say
- None of the above
- Or, in your own words: [INPUT FIELD]

Are you transgender?
- Yes
- No
- Or, in your own words: [INPUT FIELD]
- Prefer not to say

Which of the following describes you, if any? Please check all that apply.
If you prefer not to answer, you may leave this question blank.
- Bisexual
- Gay or lesbian
- Straight/heterosexual
- Queer
- Or, in your own words: [INPUT FIELD]
- Prefer not to say

Which of the following describes you, if any? Please check all that apply.
If you prefer not to answer, you may leave this question blank.
- Man
- Woman
- Non-binary, genderqueer, or gender non-conforming
- Or, in your own words: [INPUT FIELD]

Source: StackOverflow Survey screenshots provided in




Received on Tuesday, 30 March 2021 14:51:11 UTC