[Minutes] 2019-10-10 PWE CG Call

Dear PWE CG participants,


Please find the minutes of 2019-10-10 PWE CG Call at [1].

Some take-aways from the call as below.

1.      Wrt next steps with CEPC, the group tends to agree with the general
direction of moving the CEPC forward and deferring work on procedures to

2.      Before the approval process, the group will solve the current open
issues first. Angel will categorize the issues first and then the groups
discuss how we want to handle them.

3.      The group prefers bi-weekly call rhythm. A doodle will be sent to
find a proper day and time slot for the CG call.  


[1] https://www.w3.org/2019/10/10-PWE-minutes.html 




Angel Li (李安琪)

Standardization Department (标准化部) 

Alibaba Group (阿里巴巴集团) 

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Received on Friday, 11 October 2019 08:30:46 UTC