Accessibility updates

Hi folks,


I just wanted to bring to your attention to some recent updates to the
accessibility documents and practices:


*	Now that WCAG 2.2 is the current recommendation, we've added the
corresponding conformance strings[1] to the list in the accessibility
specification. The update is only in the editor's draft right now, but if
you're producing content that conforms to WCAG 2.2, you don't need to wait
for it to be published.
*	If you have page breaks or a page list in your publication, the
pagination source should now be identified using the a11y:pageBreakSource
property.[2] The old method of using dc:source with a source-of property
remains valid for backwards compatibility but is no longer recommended.
*	We also want to make sure that producers are adding the
pageNavigation accessibilityFeature value when a page list is included, and
that the pageBreakMarkers feature is specified when page breaks are present
(do not use printPageMarkers anymore).
*	It's also possible to add individual unknown accessibility hazards.
As audio hazards still need a clearer definition, the unknownAudioHazard
value is the most likely to be used.


For a complete list of recent changes to the techniques document, please
refer to the change log.[3]


On a related note, the accessibility vocabulary will soon be updated to add
a new "MathML-chemistry" value for the accessibilityFeature property. This
value is to capture chemical equations that are marked up using MathML, a
distinction that wasn't previously possible to make. The change is part of
adding a process for defining additional descriptors for values. If you
would like more information, or to provide feedback, please refer to the
pull request for this change.[4]








Received on Friday, 5 July 2024 13:32:48 UTC