Joining this group

I'd like to join this group; could you please add me and make sure I get 
the communications? (I'm already a member of the Publishing CG, and also 
on the Publishing Steering Committee in the W3C.) Is there a set meeting 
time I should get in my calendar?

I worked with Rinke to standardize the CP/LD format; I'll be speaking 
about this at the NISO Plus conference in Baltimore next week, and will 
also be presenting a related session at SSP (the Society for Scholarly 
Publishing) in Boston in May. I want to be sure to stay up-to-date with 
the work of this group and potentially be able to contribute to it. I do 
a lot of advocacy on this subject, most often because of the compelling 
case for making scholarship more accessible.

--Bill Kasdorf

Received on Monday, 5 February 2024 15:35:18 UTC