EPUB in Higher Education Agenda and dial in for Monday August 21, at 2:00 p.m. Eastern

Hello EPUB in Higher Education folks,


I have copied the W3C Publishing Community Group. It was suggested that that group would want to know about our activities. All are welcome. 


Date: Monday August 21, 2023

Time: 2:00 p.m. Eastern

Location: see zoom information below.


Notes from June 12 attached. thank you, Richard!!

The July call was cancelled so it has been a while; a lot to cover.

Scribe for light notes? Notes file for August 21, 2022 in shared folder found at:

 <https://daisy365.sharepoint.com/:f:/s/SharedProjects/EsK4v7kWFNVHh2jFDGdO3MEBpHpc8LD7ww81si-09LyqdA?e=vxNGWq>  EPUB-in-HE-2021

Welcome anybody who is new

1. Setting priorities for the rest of the year  -- many items listed below.
2. John Slatin AccessU 2024 

a. https://knowbility.org/programs/john-slatin-accessu-2023
b. Should we consider targeting this? Leslie?

3. CSUN 2024 submissions run September 7-26.

a. Spreadsheet in shared folder

4. Anything to do in prep for AHG 2023?
5. Articles for Chronicle, Inside, and AHEAD

a. Two started in articles folder.
b. Samantha, student from U of Montana may join us.
c. Who will collaborate with Samantha and me? Nicholas?

6. Certificates, an ongoing conversation.
7. EMMA,  -- If Bill is with us, perhaps an overview.
8. AOB
9. Next call  


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Received on Sunday, 20 August 2023 15:17:45 UTC