RE: Updated agenda for today's CG meeting

Regrets for today.






From: Schindler Wolfgang Dr. <> 
Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2022 3:16 AM
Subject: Updated agenda for today's CG meeting


Dear colleagues,


today (11th May) will  be the next meeting of our Publishing Community Group as usual at 11:00 EDT/17:00 CEST. We have added one item to our agenda: Planning for TPAC 2022.

Here is the agenda:

1. Recap of the April 2022 session
2. Task Force’s Update: 

a. A11Y TF
b. Documentation TF
c. Education Use Cases TF

3. Defining target groups in the educational sector and their specific needs
4. Planning for TPAC 2022: Call for members’ proposals/suggestions for topics 
5. Discuss open Github issues: “Highlights, Notes, Comments, and Annotations #32”
6. Use cases and extant applications of Web Publishing

See you soon 😊

Mateus, Wolfgang and Zheng

Received on Wednesday, 11 May 2022 13:07:57 UTC