- From: John Foliot <john@foliot.ca>
- Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2022 10:59:25 -0400
- To: kerscher@montana.com
- Cc: public-epub3@w3.org, public-publishingcg@w3.org
- Message-ID: <CAFmg2sWdgwYtN4q6ME=0q3Q838V2QhyMkZtn0FvaYo6MGSRSKw@mail.gmail.com>
All, Please find the minutes from today's call at: https://www.w3.org/2022/08/18-pcg-a11y-minutes.html, or below as text: Meeting minutes<GeorgeK_> Date 18 August 2022Accessibility Summary is SHOULD not MUST GK: decision was made last week\ GK: Matt noted the official definition of the a11y-summary. Is consistent, but highlights subtleties and nuance GK: Are we in agreement that this is one of our guiding principles for writing guidelines? (No comments) GK: will move forward with that assumption the way we describe conformance has changed it is now quite human readable - that helps us a lot now if the conformance statement is displayed to user, we don't need to put that conformance summary into the accessibility summary Naomi: it is hard to make a definitive statement but in scenarios where there is little input from publishers... make a note "we are striving to..." - but publishers cannot make definitive statements GK: agree with this. In terms of guidance from a11y summary - if it provides nuance... whatever term you want to use: "we believe..." or "we strive to..." Naomi: issue around number of languages authors invent GK: Make sure we capture that in examples and other verbage we create Naomi: suggestion or recommendation Gregoriao Gregorio: this looks good - we should avoid duplication of data if this is intended to display on the interface, we should not re-write this CharlesL: Agree with gregorio. Also notes that Matt pointed out that we should NOT provide ally statements in multiple languagges ONLy have the one langauge CharlesL: may want to look at that more\ GK: In there now, and one of the things we want to retain GK: a11y summary is only language of published content GK: want to reference user-experience guide, with an expectation that the a11y metadata will be available to the end user and that we do not "double up" the data CL: agree. the older version of the spec ... URL. But it was not that readable, so we added it to the summary but now that it is human readable, we can output that, and do not need to repeat in the summary GK: we also need to revisit user experience guide all things there related to conformance and the URL approach... we need to go back and address that. (i.e. there is not language changed needed) ACTION: revisit user experience guide to align with recent changes to Accessibility 1.1 Spec - assign to Community Group CL: make it an agenda item for next meeting GK: IN the outline there are some principles identified pointer to definition in Schema.org (guiding principle) re-statement of things we expect to have been already expressed, not necessary to repeat in Summary GK: example - if somebody has metadata "No accessibility hazards" the UX guide suggests that it be presented as No accessibility hazards if accessibility mode 'textual' is present, it is announced as 'screen reader abled' [sic] so no need to repeat in summary so those are the principles - all the current stuff and then we look at what else is needed Keep the things that remain valuable, remove the rest. Also the high-level considerations GP: simpler if we call this "Accessibility Note" (conceptual) - the goal is to add human-readable information that augments the metadata GK: in github repro now - the title is "Accessibility Summary guideline for ePub..." and it is accessibility summary in Schema - it gets translated when it goes to Onix Q: is it still call ed that there? Yes GK: so works there too - no need to change title GP: the proposal was to only use that "name" as internal shorthand for this group/discussion concern that "Summary" is misleading JF: Understand the unfortunate concern - is this "fully baked" GK: yes, took years to get into Schema.org In abstract we could emphasize this is an augmentation JF: echoes back understanding - suggests we DO speak to this in the abstract GK: write in the 'template' that this is augmentation data JF: sounds reasonable to me, but others? Naomi: may be redundant and possibly overwhelming but this may not JUST be augmentation, it may also include 'new' stuff that lacks definition @ Schema today so that new stuff would need to be exposed somewhere (lacks controled vocab) - then this would be the right place too GK: absolutely! CL: not sure if we want to provide examples. have seen publishers who have added additional items to their ePub that went above and beyond example: publisher had morse code, and added audio clip of the dots and dashes (above and beyond) Naomi: working on crossword... there is a file format that can be downloaded into multiple crossword apps (.puz) file extension so making that file format available, and noting such in Accessibility Summary would be great discussion around accessibility versus usability - do we want to expand the Accessibility Summary to capture 'usability' isses Naomi: there is a gray line there GK: we've discussed this in the past. ePub by its very nature is more accessible than other formats not sure if everyone is aware that ePub *IS* more accessible than, say, PDF, so making these statements are beneficial i.e. transformability (font resize and reflow) benefits all GP: have concerns, but may want to defer to next call - example in file may be an issue having examples that could be "copied and psted" may not be a good idea VL: re no capability for multiple languages has been dropped - there may be a need if a book features multiple languages CL: it would be difficult to tag that properly - there is usually a "primary language" even in multi-lang books so publishers may 'reprint' if there is a need for books targeted to multiple languages Q: to ask about multi-language Namoi: notes that OPF file does not support multiple languages may also be onerous on retailers - so decided that it is not ideal, but use-cases seem very small GP: believes this problem with languages has already been resolved GK: need to wrap this up now. Believes Avneesh plans on a call for next week. But George and Charles will not be there. Suggests that this discussion wait until they return GK: but would like to update the existing repro with what we agreed to here, and get the PR out for review will mainly 'remove' things that are inappropriate, and then add some new draft text for review +1 to Georges proposal GK: next call to discuss this will be in 2 weeks (Sept.1) JF On Tue, Aug 16, 2022 at 10:29 PM <kerscher@montana.com> wrote: > Dear Accessibility Summary sub-TF, > > > > Date: Thursday August 18, 2022 > > Time: 14 UTC, 7:00 a.m. Pacific, 10:00 a.m. East Coast, 15:00 London, > 16:00 Milan > > Location: see zoom below > > IRC channel: #pcg-a11y > > server: irc.w3.org > > port: 6665 or 6667 > > > > Agenda > > > > 1. Scribe > 2. Accessibility Summary is now a recommendation (should) not a > requirement (must) in the EPUB Accessibility Conformance and > Discoverability Specification 1.1 in CR. The change happened last week. > 3. Background > > 3.1 official definition of accessibilitySummary in schema.org > > https://schema.org/accessibilitySummary > > “A human-readable summary of specific accessibility features or > deficiencies, consistent with the other accessibility metadata but > expressing subtleties such as "short descriptions are present but long > descriptions will be needed for non-visual users" or "short descriptions > are present and no long descriptions are needed." > > > > 3.2 There has been a change to the conformance section 3.5.2 of the EPUB > Accessibility Conformance and Discoverability specification 1.1. Now the > metadata is clearly understandable as a natural language description of > conformance. The strings are required and can be parsed to align with > specific statements. > > > > https://www.w3.org/TR/epub-a11y-11/ > > Here is the text: > > > > To indicate conformance to the accessibility requirements of this > specification, an EPUB publication [epub-3] MUST specify in its metadata > section a conformsTo property [dcterms] exactly matching (i.e., both in > case and spacing) the following pattern: > > EPUB-A11Y-A11Y-VER_WCAG-WCAG-VER-WCAG-LVL > > where: > > A11Y-VER > > Specifies the version number of the EPUB Accessibility specification the > publication conforms to. The value MUST NOT include decimal points (e.g., > the value 11 indicates this version of this specification). > > WCAG-VER > > Specifies the version number of WCAG the publication conforms to. The > value MUST NOT include decimal points (e.g., 20 for WCAG 2.0 or 21 for WCAG > 2.1). > > WCAG-LVL > > Specifies the WCAG conformance level the publication conforms to (e.g., A > or AA). > > EXAMPLE 1: A basic conformance statement > > In this example, the EPUB creator is stating that their publication > conforms to the EPUB Accessibility 1.1 specification at WCAG 2.1 Level AA. > > <package …> > > <metadata …> > > … > > <meta > > property="dcterms:conformsTo" > > id="conf"> > > EPUB-A11Y-11_WCAG-21-AA > > </meta> > > … > > </metadata> > > … > > </package> > > The following conformance strings are valid as of publication of this > specification: > > • EPUB-A11Y-11_WCAG-20-A > > • EPUB-A11Y-11_WCAG-20-AA > > • EPUB-A11Y-11_WCAG-20-AAA > > • EPUB-A11Y-11_WCAG-21-A > > • EPUB-A11Y-11_WCAG-21-AA > > • EPUB-A11Y-11_WCAG-21-AAA > > NOTE > > The list of valid conformance strings will increase as W3C releases new > versions of WCAG. > > In addition, WCAG 3.0 is set to introduce new level names (currently > Bronze, Silver and Gold). Those names will likely replace A, AA, and AAA in > the string pattern, but conformance will be addressed after that > specification becomes a W3C Recommendation. > > 1. Outline of our Accessibility Summary > > Begin Outline > > Abstract > > Status of this document > > Table of Contents (automatically generated) > > Introduction > > Note: Reference to the User Experience guide. > > Principles 1: – I was thinking this would be a restatement/pointer to the > Schema.org definition of the accessibility Summary > > Principles 2: I thought this would be a description of the presentation of > the accessibility metadata presented through the User Experience Guide, > i.e., this is all the accessibility metadata that is normally identified. > > Principle 3: This would reference the conformance metadata statements > referenced above, e.g. <meta > > property="dcterms:conformsTo" > > id="conf"> > > EPUB-A11Y-11_WCAG-21-AA > > </meta> > > > > Before you start writing > > Some High-level Considerations > > What to include in the Accessibility Summary Guide > > Examples > > > > End of outline > > > > George Kerscher is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. > > > > Topic: George Kerscher's Personal Meeting Room > > > > Join Zoom Meeting > > https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4065494687 > > > > Meeting ID: 406 549 4687 > > Passcode: 123456 > > One tap mobile > > +13462487799,,4065494687# US (Houston) > > +16699006833,,4065494687# US (San Jose) > > > > Dial by your location > > +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) > > +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) > > +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) > > +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) > > +1 929 436 2866 US (New York) > > +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown) > > Meeting ID: 406 549 4687 > > Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kcidE9pCDH > > > > > > Telephone numbers outside the USA: > > > > Australia: +61 (0) 2 8015 2088 or +61 (0) 8 7150 1149 > > Brazil: +55 11 4680 6788 or +55 21 3958 7888 > > France: +33 (0) 1 8288 0188 > > Germany +49 (0) 30 3080 6188 or +49 (0) 30 5679 5800 > > Italy: +39 069 480 6488 > > Japan +81 (0) 3 4578 1488 or +81 524 564 439 > > Spain: +34 84 368 5025 or +34 91 198 0188 > > Sweden: +46 (0) 7 6692 0434 or +46 (0) 8 4468 2488 > > Switzerland: +41 (0) 31 528 0988 > > Netherlands: +31 (0) 20 241 0288 > > United Kingdom: +44 20 3051 2874 or +44 (0) 20 3695 0088 > > Other international numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference > > > > A full list of keyboard shortcut keys can be found at: > > > https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/205683899-Hot-Keys-and-Keyboard-Shortcuts-for-Zoom > > Some Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows > > • F6: Navigate among Zoom popup windows. > > • Ctrl+Alt+Shift: Move focus to Zoom's meeting controls > > • Alt+U:Display/hide Participants panel > > • Alt+Y: Raise/lower hand > > • Alt+A: Mute/unmute audio > > • Alt+V: Start/Stop Video > > • Alt+H: Display/hide In-Meeting Chat panel > > • Alt+N: Switch camera > > Alt+F: Enter or exit full screen > -- *John Foliot* | Senior Industry Specialist, Digital Accessibility | W3C Accessibility Standards Contributor | "I made this so long because I did not have time to make it shorter." - Pascal "links go places, buttons do things"
Received on Thursday, 18 August 2022 15:00:00 UTC