Re: [Minutes] Publishing Community Group Meeting - Aug 10, 2022

RE> 750mb file size limit.  Bear with me.  I'm a retired database guy.
Why can't epubs be text only, with resource URLs to streamed images and
video on remote servers?

When I ask this question I'm invariably told "It won't work without a wifi

My answer is "So what?"  I'm almost never away from wifi unless I'm
driving. And in that case I shouldn't be reading anyway.  Are you on a
camping trip?  Read now, view video later.  Video is too big to store on a
phone.  Video should be streamed. No matter what.

On Wed, Aug 10, 2022 at 12:54 PM Zheng Xu <> wrote:

> Hi all
> Thanks for attending today's meeting.
> Here is today's meeting minutes.
> Please feel free to let us know if any questions or feedback.
> Cheers,
> Mateus, Wolfgang and Zheng

/*  Colin (Sandy) Pittendrigh  >--oO0> */

Received on Wednesday, 10 August 2022 23:32:15 UTC