- From: Christine Oliver <Christine.Oliver@uottawa.ca>
- Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2022 21:36:24 +0000
- To: "public-publishingcg@w3.org" <public-publishingcg@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <YQBPR0101MB6395463D641B4B32EE827EA6EBFB9@YQBPR0101MB6395.CANPRD01.PROD.OUTLOOK.>
A message for the sub-taskforce members working on the MARC 21 cross walk. Dear sub-taskforce members, Please excuse the delay in contacting you. The two co-leads had a longer Easter break than is the case in other countries. Chris Carr and I having been talking about the best ways to proceed. This is what we are proposing. 1. Neither of us are adept at using GitHub, and so we decided things would move faster if we do the intellectual work of mapping -- discussing, commenting, deciding -- using a Google document. When we have stable content, then we will transfer it into the GitHub crosswalk document (or ask a member who has greater GitHub skills to transfer it). 2. 3. From our experience, this kind of work is easier to tackle if somebody proposes something, and then we have a starting point for discussion, disagreement, resolution, etc. So we decided that it would make sense to start with a draft mapping rather than starting with a blank document. 4. 5. We used Gautier's Word document as the starting point. we focused on the table at the end. 6. 7. Chris Carr has added mapping for Schema.org to MARC 21. When we add MARC 21, we are in effect adding a third facet, a third point in the traingle. Schema to ONIX is one mapping. In many cases, Schema to MARC and ONIX to MARC may end up identical. But this is not a given, and needs to be examined as well. Chris Carr has offered to start looking at the ONIX to MARC 21 mapping in relation to the Schema to MARC 21 mapping. However, that work has just begun. And will continue as we work together on the mapping. So the first page of the table has an extra column. 8. 9. Here is the address for the Google doc. 10. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Lh0TwYHg574WFvdIAB1-Pns3fF7oSCjD/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=110044170227731414177&rtpof=true&sd=true 11. 12. 13. I have set the security as anyone with the link can suggest. 14. 15. It is probably preferable to use the issue tracker in GitHub. This would allow fuller comments and a place for examples, etc. I also opened a new Issue: 16. https://github.com/w3c/publ-a11y/issues/93 17. 18. 19. 20. Text in red: areas where there may be an argument for proposing changes to MARC 21; subfield 2 records a code for a controlled vocabulary or scheme. In February 2022 the code sapdv was added (seen in the table). sapdv = Schema.org Accessibility Properties for Discoverability Vocabulary (Accessibility Discoverability Vocabulary for Schema.org Community Group) 21. Next -- what do sub-taskforce members prefer? We can work simply using the two online tools, the GitHub issue tracker and the Google doc. Or we have a meeting before/during the work with the issue tracker and Google doc. Chris C. and I are happy to do either. It is the choice of the members. ​Chris and I are looking forward to a great time of discussion and collaboration! Best wishes Chris Oliver and Chris Carr ________________________________ From: Avneesh Singh <avneesh.sg@gmail.com<mailto:avneesh.sg@gmail.com>> Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2022 6:48 AM To: Christine Oliver <Christine.Oliver@uottawa.ca<mailto:Christine.Oliver@uottawa.ca>>; sysreq@w3.org<mailto:sysreq@w3.org> <sysreq@w3.org<mailto:sysreq@w3.org>> Subject: [a11y][marc] getting started with MARC cross walk sub task force Attention : courriel externe | external email Dear Christine and Christopher, Thanks for leading this sub task force. I hope that you are back from Easter break. It would be good to discuss how would you like to move this task force forward. I am sharing the best practices that we have been using in Publishing CG. We usually send emails to Public CG mailing lists, instead of sending it to only sub task force members, so that others also get the information. To help in identification of useful emails we use prefixes in the subjects. For example for accessibility related topics we use [a11y] For MARC cross walk you can use [a11y][marc]. I have used the same in the subject of this email. The email ID for mailing list is: public-publishingcg@w3.org<mailto:public-publishingcg@w3.org> We usually do long discussions on GitHub issue trackers. You can open an issue at: https://github.com/w3c/publ-a11y/issues And then send email to publishing CG mailing list to draw attention of group to your issue. The draft document for cross walk (added by Gautier) is at https://github.com/w3c/publ-a11y/blame/main/drafts/a11y-crosswalk-MARC/index.html If you would like to organize regular calls, then I can request Ivan to setup recurring Zoom meetings for the sub task force. Please feel free to discuss the practical issues further. Looking forward to see you leading the MARC crosswalk sub task force! With regards Avneesh
Received on Tuesday, 26 April 2022 21:36:38 UTC