Re: [a11y] Accessibility task force meeting: Fri, Nov 6, at 14 UTC

Hi.  Is it possible to discuss two more topics in the taskforce

1. Discovery of the Accessible Qualities of Ruby

I hope to introduce this document.  (A few
minutes)  It was created by the technical
committee of the Japanese DAISY
consortium.  I am the chair.

This document provides a few requirements.
I hope to register metadata and
ONIX metadata based on this document.
(BTW, Keio University is already a member
of EDItEUR for this registration.)

2. Structural navigation requirement

I am wondering if EPUB 3.3 is a great
chance to document requirements for
structural navigation in EPUB.  I will send
a very rough proposal this weekend.


2020年10月29日(木) 15:16 Avneesh Singh <>:

2020年10月29日(木) 15:16 Avneesh Singh <>:

> Dear all,
> Thanks for responding to the poll for next Accessibility Task Force
> meeting.
> The next conference call for developing a guidance document for presenting
> machine readable accessibility metadata in a user friendly way is scheduled
> at the following time.
> Friday, November 6, 2020, at 14 UTC.
> little early time is chosen for the call because we have new participants
> from far east of the world, and 14 UTC gives little discomfort to both far
> west and far east instead of making it very uncomfortable for one side.
> The main objective of the call is to finalize the User experience guide
> document. Please go through the following before the call.
> I will send agenda and Zoom conference link next week.
> User experience guide:
> Please go through recent ONIX related issues on the issue tracker:
> Thank you
> Avneesh Singh


Received on Friday, 30 October 2020 03:17:56 UTC