[PBG] W3C Winter 2022 PBG Conference Day Agenda

Hello Publishing Business Group members,

Next week Tuesday, February 1st/Wednesday, February 2nd, we will hold our Winter 2022 PBG “Conference Day”, with two 90-minute sessions. For our sessions this winter, we have focused on discussing Fixed Layout, how the comics and manga markets are expanding, how the experiences for FXL are differentiated for different types of books, and the use cases that are being worked on as the EPUB WG works to ensure that FXL can be accessible. We are also planning some discussion breakouts in our first session, so we hope you will join us and bring your questions!

Americas/Europe [0]

  *   Tuesday, 02/01/2022, 12pm EST/6pm CET
Americas/Asia [1]

  *   Tuesday, 02/01/2022, 7pm EST/Wednesday, 02/02/2022, 9am JST

W3C IRC: http://irc.w3.org/<https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Firc.w3.org%2F&data=02%7C01%7CLAUDRAIN%40hachette-livre.fr%7Cf1f4b36643b342c072ff08d79c8273be%7Cf881a2c50a89483181b1c7846c49594d%7C0%7C0%7C637149956414432943&sdata=fRlwrrNqKLfWvIy6pt4d2F379ZmHqDYjXD4yiFM1dp0%3D&reserved=0>  (IRC channel #pbg).

Agenda for Session 1 – Americas/Europe

  *   Intros - 12:00-12:05pm/6:00-6:05pm
  *   The Growth of Digital Comics: Facts from Europe, US and Japan - 12:05-12:40pm/6:05-6:40pm

     *   Manga and comics markets are booming: they are the market sectors in the publishing industry with the highest growth in 2021 both in print and in digital. Scope of the session is to provide an overview of the situation of Europe, Japan and US.
     *   EU - Luc Bourcier - CEO Izneo - Digital Comics in Europe : a diverse and challenging marketplace
     *   US/JP  Daihei Shiohama (MD-i CEO and PBG co-chair) and Beth Kawasaki (MD-i, Executive Director - Content Marketing)

  *   The Promise and Peril of Fixed Layout Experiences - 12:40-12:55pm/6:40-6:55pm
     *   Liisa McCloy-Kelley – SVP, Director Ebook Development & Operations, Penguin Random House, PBG co-chair
     *   Fixed layout is an ideal format for some types of content and the ideal experiences for those have evolved over time. Let’s take a look at where FXL is forking for different types of books and how EPUB can support that in the market.

  *   The Work to Make FXL Readable for Everyone - 12:55-1:10pm/6:55-7:10pm
     *   Wendy Reid – Accessibility and Publishing Standards Lead, Rakuten Kobo, EPUB WG co-chair
     *   The EPUB WG task force on Fixed Layout Accessibility has put together a list of use cases for different types of fixed layout content from which we want to build examples of best practices. We will present an overview of the types of content we are exploring, and would like to discuss how these examples can help publishers with their accessibility practices.

  *   Breakout Groups with Small Group Topics 1:10-1:25pm/7:10-7:25pm

     *   Choose your topic to join a small group discussion:

        *   Digital Comics
        *   Fixed layout challenges and opportunities
        *   How things have evolved for publishing during Covid

  *   Wrap-Up 1:25-1:30/7:25-7:30pm

Agenda for Session 2 – Americas/Asia

  *   Intros - 7:00-7:05pm/9:00am-9:05am
  *   The Growth of Digital Comics: Facts from Europe, US and Japan – 7:05-7:50pm/9:05-9:50am

     *   Manga and comics markets are booming: they are the market sectors in the publishing industry with the highest growth in 2021 both in print and in digital. Scope of the session is to provide an overview of the situation of Europe, Japan and US.
     *   Recording from earlier sessions of: EU - Luc Bourcier - CEO Izneo - Digital Comics in Europe : a diverse and challenging marketplace
     *   US/JP  Daihei Shiohama (MD-i CEO and PBG co-chair) and Beth Kawasaki (MD-i, Executive Director - Content Marketing)
     *   Discussion

  *   The Promise and Peril of Fixed Layout Experiences – 7:50-8:10pm/9:50-10:10am
     *   Liisa McCloy-Kelley – SVP, Director Ebook Development & Operations, Penguin Random House, PBG co-chair
     *   Fixed layout is an ideal format for some types of content and the ideal experiences for those have evolved over time. Let’s take a look at where FXL is forking for different types of books and how EPUB can support that in the market.

  *   The Work to Make FXL Readable for Everyone – 8:10-8:25pm/10:10-10:25am
     *   Wendy Reid – Accessibility and Publishing Standards Lead, Rakuten Kobo, EPUB WG co-chair
     *   The EPUB WG task force on Fixed Layout Accessibility has put together a list of use cases for different types of fixed layout content from which we want to build examples of best practices. We will present an overview of the types of content we are exploring, and would like to discuss how these examples can help publishers with their accessibility practices.

  *   Wrap-Up 8:25-8:30pm/10:25-10:30am

 PBG meetings upcoming:

  *   Americas/Europe:  02/15/2022 12pm EST/6pm CET
  *   Americas/Asia: 03/01/2022 7pm EST/9am JST
  *   Americas/Europe: 03/15/2022 EST/6pm CET
  *   Americas/Asia: 03/29/2022 7pm EST/9am JST
  *   Our Spring 2022 Conference Day will be in April and focused on Education

Please join us for PBG Conference Day next week and at any of our upcoming meetings!

On behalf of PBG co-chairs,
Liisa McCloy-Kelley, Daihei Shiohama and Cristina Mussinelli

[0] https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=W3C+PBG+Winter+2022+Conference+Day+Americas%2FEurope&iso=20220201T12&p1=179&ah=1&am=30

[1] https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=W3C+PBG+Winter+2022+Conference+Day+Americas%2FAsia&iso=20220201T19&p1=179&ah=1&am=30

Received on Thursday, 27 January 2022 23:26:10 UTC