W3C TPAC 2022 - Group meetings

Dear Group Chairs,

As we announced on 11 April, the next TPAC 2022 [1] will be a hybrid 
meeting with the main in-person hub in Vancouver, Canada:

TPAC 2022
Hybrid Meeting
12-16 September 2022

Main in-person hub:

Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre
1000 Burrard Street
British Columbia V6Z 2R9

We will adapt our format to a hybrid mode and plan to build a dynamic 
meeting to bring more cross participation and new opportunities for work 
between groups. Together with group and breakout meetings, we hope to 
organize other sessions such as workshops, hackathons, demos, a 
developer meetup, an AC meeting...

In order to build the general schedule for the week, we need to know 
when your groups will meet. To achieve a dynamic meeting and plan other 
types of sessions, we recommend groups plan shorter sessions for working 
meetings: from 2-4 hours per day.
We'll also adapt the agenda if some groups plan longer sessions.

Please discuss within your groups and fill in the form below *on 31 May 
at the latest*:

We thank you in advance for your input to plan a successful hybrid event!

Best regards,

Alexandra Lacourba
W3C Global Events Coordinator

[1] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/chairs/2022AprJun/0009.html

Received on Friday, 29 April 2022 13:51:47 UTC