Hello Publishing Business Group members,
For our meeting next week during the Americas/Europe timeframe, Tuesday, February 23rd, 2021, to be held at [0] via the special Zoom link in the meeting invite attached to this message.
W3C IRC: http://irc.w3.org/<https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Firc.w3.org%2F&data=02%7C01%7CLAUDRAIN%40hachette-livre.fr%7Cf1f4b36643b342c072ff08d79c8273be%7Cf881a2c50a89483181b1c7846c49594d%7C0%7C0%7C637149956414432943&sdata=fRlwrrNqKLfWvIy6pt4d2F379ZmHqDYjXD4yiFM1dp0%3D&reserved=0> (IRC channel #pbg).
Next week during our regular PBG Americas/Europe time, we will have a special joint Publishing Business Group, along with the Publishing Community Group and the Publishing Working Group meeting for Jeanne Spellman to come talk to us about WCAG 3.0.
We will be recording this meeting, which will also have captioning and transcripts available so that it can be shared with our broader Publishing@W3C community who may not be able to join us in this timeslot.
Jeanne will be joining us to give us an overview of the First Public Working Draft of WCAT 3.0 and help us understand how we can help as this process moves forward.
W3C Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 3.0
WCAG 3 is intended to be easier to understand and more flexible than WCAG 2. The flexibility is to address different types of web content, apps, and tools -- as well as organizations and people with disabilities. WCAG 3 has a significantly different approach than WCAG 2. It has a different name, structure, conformance model, and scope. The plan is for WCAG 3 to include most of the accessibility requirements (“success criteria”) from WCAG 2 and include additional accessibility requirements. The WCAG 3 development schedule goes into 2023.
We hope to see you there on Tuesday.
On behalf of PBG co-chairs,
Liisa McCloy-Kelley
[0] https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=W3C+Publishing+Business+Group+Meeting+Americas%2FEurope&iso=20210223T12&p1=179&ah=1