Re: W3C [PBG] Agenda for 20200707 NA/0708 Japan/Asia call time

Hi all-

I’m so sorry to send regrets—our area is having an internet outage.

[Please forgive any textual oddities. The combination of typing with one hand and autocorrect may result in unpredictable text output.]

On Jul 6, 2020, at 7:41 PM, Daihei Shiohama <> wrote:

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Hello Publishing Business Group members,

I hope everybody keeps yourself and family healthy and is doing well.

Please find below the agenda for our call tomorrow, Tuesday,  June 9th NA/ Wednesday 10th Japan/Asia, 2020, to be held at [0].

Call at  Join Zoom Meeting:<>

Meeting ID: 555 276 051

International Numbers:<>

W3C IRC:<>  (IRC channel #pbg)

Last PBG Europe/NA call on  minutes:<>


  *   Status of Publishing Community Group
     *   Guest: Jeff Xu and Mateus Teixeria

  *   EPUB 3 WG Charter with AC for review and voting
     *   Please be sure your AC rep weighs in
     *   Next steps
  *    Pub@W3C Webinar
     *   NA/Europe: 7/27 Monday<>
     *   Asia/Japan/NA: TBC

  *   Presentation for APL in Japan: The future of the EPUB standard after the survey organized by the W3C
     *   Requested by APL to hold a presentation conference it either the end of July or the beginning of August:
     *   Presentators (TBC): Takami/Yoshii/Shiohama
  *   What are the business issues we face in the second half of 2020 for digital publications?
     *   Open discussion/ Chair will ask participants from each region

  *   Discuss guest presentation ideas for the coming months: What do PBG members want to hear about?
     *   Chair will ask ask participants to give their thought at the meeting and also ask them to provide their ideas to the PBG mailing list.
        *   W3C Member Blackstone Audio
        *   W3C Member EBSCO
        *   W3C Member Legible Media (July 21st NA/Europe PBG Call: TBC)
        *   AudioBooks (from NNELS<>; reprise of DPub Summit 2020 presentation) (suggested by Ivan)
        *   Cognitive TF in (AGWG) (Steve Lee) (suggested by Tzviya)
        *   Low Vision TF (suggested by Tzviya)
        *   Accessibility Guidelines WG (Rachel Montgomery) (suggested by Tzviya)
        *   Newer CSS Modules (Dave? Elika? Jen?) (suggested by )
        *   Verifiable Credentials for Education (Kim Hamilton Duffy or Nate Otto) (suggested by Tzviya)
        *   Maps in HTML (workshop coming up organized by Ted, goal is to turn maps as first class entities in HTML, just like audio or video) (suggested by Karen)
        *   ISCC - Sebastian and Titusz (suggested by Ivan)
        *   Implementations of ODRL<> (suggested by Bill K)
        *   Web Annotations<> (e.g. Dan Whaley) (suggested by Ralph)
        *   CSS for Vertical writing by Florian Rivoal (suggested by Daihei)
        *   WoT/Smart City- influences to publishing & digital media: Ministry of Communication/Public Affairs (Japan) + W3C (Keio Prof. Ashimura (suggested by Daihei)
        *   Immersive Web XR (W3C Keio): AR/VR/MR International standards - influences to publishing  (suggested by Daihei)
        *   Media & Entertainment Co-chairs (BBC/Sony): Visual media standard and Digital Publishing  (suggested by Daihei)

  *   PBG meeting schedule through Summer
     *   July 21st NA/Europe

     *   August 4th/5th NA/Asia
     *   August 18th NA/Europe

     *   September 1st/2nd NA/Asia (TBC)
     *   September 8th NA/Europe (TBC)


Received on Tuesday, 7 July 2020 23:44:00 UTC