- From: Clayssen.Virginie <Virginie.Clayssen@editis.com>
- Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2020 16:35:19 +0000
- To: Cristina Mussinelli - Fondazione LIA <cristina.mussinelli@fondazionelia.org>, AUDRAIN LUC <LAUDRAIN@hachette-livre.fr>, W3C Publishing Business Group <public-publishingbg@w3.org>
- CC: "McCloy-Kelley, Liisa" <lmccloy-kelley@penguinrandomhouse.com>, Daihei Shiohama <shiohama@mediado.jp>
- Message-ID: <4C500767-608B-4A32-972C-4F5A6CDB2889@editis.com>
Congratulazioni, cara Cristina ! Virginie De : Cristina Mussinelli - Fondazione LIA <cristina.mussinelli@fondazionelia.org> Date : jeudi 13 février 2020 à 13:22 À : AUDRAIN LUC <LAUDRAIN@hachette-livre.fr>, "W3C Publishing Business Group <public-publishingbg@w3.org>" <public-publishingbg@w3.org> Cc : "McCloy-Kelley, Liisa" <lmccloy-kelley@penguinrandomhouse.com>, Daihei Shiohama <shiohama@mediado.jp> Objet : Re: [PBG] Publishing Business Group chairs change Renvoyer - De : "W3C Publishing Business Group <public-publishingbg@w3.org>" <public-publishingbg@w3.org> Renvoyer - Date : jeudi 13 février 2020 à 13:21 Dear co-chairs and members, thank you all very much. I really appreciate your support and it will be a pleasure to work with you again in a more intensive way. I will work with Luc, Liisa and Daihei to manage the transition. All my best Cristina Da: AUDRAIN LUC <LAUDRAIN@hachette-livre.fr> Data: giovedì 13 febbraio 2020 07:35 A: W3C Publishing Business Group <public-publishingbg@w3.org> Cc: "McCloy-Kelley, Liisa" <lmccloy-kelley@penguinrandomhouse.com>, Daihei Shiohama <shiohama@mediado.jp> Oggetto: Re: [PBG] Publishing Business Group chairs change Rinviato da: <public-publishingbg@w3.org> Data rinvio: giovedì 13 febbraio 2020 07:34 Hello Publishing Business Group members, No other candidacy for co-chairing was received from Publishing Business Group members during last week. So as stated in last PBG call and explained in the mail below, we have a new co-chair elected : Cristina Mussinelli. Congratulations Cristina ! We are happy to keep an international representation from three different regions of the world ! On behalf of PBG co-chairs, Luc Audrain De : AUDRAIN LUC <LAUDRAIN@hachette-livre.fr> Date : mercredi 5 février 2020 à 19:00 À : W3C Publishing Business Group <public-publishingbg@w3.org> Cc : "McCloy-Kelley, Liisa" <lmccloy-kelley@penguinrandomhouse.com>, Daihei Shiohama <shiohama@mediado.jp> Objet : [PBG] Publishing Business Group chairs change, candidacy open for a week Hello Publishing Business Group members, Co-chair Luc Audrain is retiring end of March 2020. As PBG co-chairs, we feel important that the European geographic area is still represented among the chairs. Then we are very happy to present to you the candidacy of Cristina Mussinelli, Secretary General Fondazione LIA and consultant for digital publishing for AIE (Associazione Italiana Editori). Cristina is ok to take the position if members of the Publishing Business Group agree. But candidacy is open to any member of the group who would raise an interest to take the role. If you would like to discuss what kind of effort it is to co-chair, please reach out to Liisa, Daihei or myself and we’d be happy to discuss. Per resolution in last PBG call (see minutes[1]), with this mail starts a week period for any other candidacy. If there is no other candidacy at the end of the period, Wednesday 12th, 18:00 UTC, the group will consider Cristina elected. On behalf of PBG co-chairs, Luc Audrain [1] https://w3c.github.io/publ-bg/Meetings/Minutes/2020/2020-02-04-pbg#section3 ________________________________ Network Confidentiality Notice Il presente messaggio, e ogni eventuale documento a questo allegato, potrebbe contenere informazioni da considerarsi strettamente riservate ad esclusivo utilizzo del destinatario in indirizzo. Chiunque ricevesse questo messaggio per errore o comunque lo leggesse senza esserne legittimato è avvertito che trattenerlo, copiarlo, divulgarlo, distribuirlo a persone diverse dal destinatario è severamente proibito ed è pregato di darne notizia immediatamente al mittente oltre che cancellare il messaggio e i suoi eventuali allegati dal proprio sistema. Ai sensi del Regolamento UE 2016/679, il Titolare del trattamento garantisce la massima riservatezza ed il pieno rispetto degli obblighi previsti dalla normativa nazionale e comunitaria in merito alla protezione dei dati personali. This message, and any attached file transmitted with it, contains information that may be confidential or privileged for the sole use of the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail or read it without entitlement be advised that keeping, copying, disseminating or distributing this message to persons other than the intended recipient is strictly forbidden. You are to notify immediately to the sender and to delete this message and any file attached from your system. In accordance with EU Reg. 2016/679 (GDPR), the Data Controller guarantees the maximum level of confidentiality and full respect of all obligations provided for by the national and the EU legislation currently in force with regard to protection of personal data..
Received on Thursday, 13 February 2020 16:35:36 UTC