Re: TDM slide deck

Dear Publishing BG members,

From information I received recently, it seems that the scope of the TDM Exception I presented on Nov.26th is in fact as follows (this is an update to my second slide):  

Exception or limitation to the rights of rightsholders from all countries on lawfully accessible content stored on EU servers, for reproductions and extractions for the purposes of TDM.

Or expressed differently: 

The TDM exception applies to TDM uses in the European Union in relation to content from European and foreign right-holders. Outside of the EU, where the EU Copyright legislation does not apply, the said exception does not apply:  exclusive rights of right-holders to authorise acts of reproduction are maintained. In such cases, no TDM can be performed without the explicit authorisation of these rightholders.

Best regards
Laurent Le Meur

> Le 26 nov. 2020 à 18:09, Cristina Mussinelli <> a écrit :
> Dear Publishing Business Group members,
> here are the slides presented by Laurent Le Meur of EDRLab on the EU Copyright Directive and Text Data Mining exceptions we discussed in the last call.
> All my best
> Cristina
> Da: "McCloy-Kelley, Liisa" <>
> Data: domenica 22 novembre 2020 23:40
> A: W3C Publishing Business Group <>
> Cc: Cristina Mussinelli - Fondazione LIA <>, Daihei Shiohama <>
> Oggetto: Agenda W3C [PBG] call for Americas/Europe on 11/24
> Hello Publishing Business Group members,
> Please find below the agenda for our Americas/Europe call this week, Tuesday,  November 24th, 2020, to be held at [0] via the Zoom link in the meeting invite.
> W3C IRC:  (IRC channel #pbg).  
>  Agenda
>  • Presentation: from Laurent Le Meur of EDRLab on the EU Copyright Directive and Text Data Mining exceptions
>   • Followup with questions, discussion
>  • Discussion: when we are thinking of the need for FXL + Reflow, are there other use cases where simply breaking from the flowing text box to the edge of the viewport would be useful? 
>  • Fonts in ebooks: are there open issues that are affecting business needs? 
>  • PBG meeting schedule through end of year
>   • December 8th     America/Asia
>   •  December 15th  Americas/Europe
> Please send any other agenda items that you would like to discuss. We hope to hear and see you on Tuesday.
> On behalf of PBG co-chairs,
> Liisa McCloy-Kelley
> [0]
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> <TDM PBG.pdf>

Received on Tuesday, 8 December 2020 18:28:08 UTC