RE: Agenda W3C [PBG] call for Europe/NA on 04/28

Regrets, meeting conflict.

From: McCloy-Kelley, Liisa <>
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2020 2:19 PM
To: W3C Publishing Business Group <>
Cc: Daihei Shiohama <>; Cristina Mussinelli - Fondazione LIA <>
Subject: Agenda W3C [PBG] call for Europe/NA on 04/28

Hello Publishing Business Group members,

We hope everyone is faring well enough as the pandemic continues.

Please find below the agenda for our call Tuesday,  April 28th for NA/Europe time, to be held at [0] via the Zoom link in the meeting invite.

W3C IRC:<>  (IRC channel #pbg).
Last PBG NA/Asia call on 4/14-15/2020 minutes:


  *   Presentation from Laurent LeMeur on accessible reading systems and Thorium

     *   Questions/discussion

  *   EPUB 3 WG Charter -

     *   Page for issues -

     *   Any thoughts or discussion?

  *   Launch of EPUB Reading System Bug GitHub Repo

     *   To include any known reading system bugs
     *   Including any accessibility bugs

  *   Update on EU standardization process

  *   Next PBG Meetings

     *   May 12th (NA)/13th (Asia)
     *   May 26th NA/Europe

On behalf of PBG co-chairs,
Liisa McCloy-Kelley


Received on Tuesday, 28 April 2020 15:13:00 UTC