SC34/JWG7 documents

Dear colleagues,

I am the liaison from ISO/IEC JTC1/SC34 to W3C.  Here
is a list of JWG7 documents, which are now available at
the ML archive of w3c-archive (

   - SC34/JWG7 N139, WD text of (candidate) ISO/IEC TS 23078-2
   Specification of DRM technology for digital publications - Part 2: User
   key-based protection
   - SC34/JWG7 N140, WD text of (candidate) ISO/IEC TS 23078-3
   Specification of DRM technology for digital publications - Part 3: Device
   key-based protection
   - SC34/JWG7 N141, Summary of Voting on ISO/IEC CD 23761, Digital
   Publishing -- EPUB Accessibility -- Conformance and Discovery Requirements
   for EPUB Publications
   - SC34/JWG7 N142, Second draft agenda for JWG7 of JTC1/SC34, TC46/SC4
   and IEC/TC100 TA10, 2019-09-11/13, Fukuoka, Japan
   - SC34/JWG7 N143, WD text of (candidate) ISO/IEC TS 23078-1
   Specification of DRM technology for digital publications - Part 1: Overview
   of copyright protection technologies in use in the publishing industry
   - SC34/JWG7 N144, Final text for publication of ISO/IEC TS 22424-1
   Digital publishing — EPUB 3 Preservation — Part 1: Principles
   - SC34/JWG7 N145, Final text for publication of ISO/IEC TS 22424-2
   Digital publishing — EPUB 3 Preservation — Part 2: Metadata requirements
   - SC34/JWG7 N146, Final agenda for JWG7 of JTC1/SC34, TC46/SC4 and
   IEC/TC100 TA10, 2019-09-11/13, Fukuoka, Japan
   - SC34/JWG7 N147, Recommendations of the 11th Meeting of ISO/IEC
   JTC1/SC34/JWG7, 2019-09-11, Fukuoka, Japan
   - SC34/JWG7 N148, Text for ISO/IEC DTS 23078-1 Information technology --
   Specification of DRM technology for digital publications -- Part 1:
   Overview of copyright protection technologies in use in the publishing
   - SC34/JWG7 N149, Text for ISO/IEC DTS 23078-2  Information technology
   -- Specification of DRM technology for digital publications -- Part 2: User
   keybased Protection
   - SC34/JWG7 N150, Meeting announcement and draft agenda for JWG7 of
   JTC1/SC34, TC46/SC4 and IEC/TC100 TA10, 2019-10-28, ISO Zoom meeting
   - SC34/JWG7 N151, Proposed disposition of comments on ISO/IEC CD 23761
   Digital Publishing —EPUB Accessibility — Conformance and Discoverability
   Requirements for EPUB Publications
   - SC34/JWG7 N152, Meeting Announcement of the online CRM for ISO/IEC CD
   23761 Digital Publishing —EPUB Accessibility — Conformance and
   Discoverability Requirements for EPUB Publications requirements (replaced
   by N 153)
   - SC34/JWG7 N153, Meeting Announcement of the online CRM for ISO/IEC CD
   23761 Digital Publishing —EPUB Accessibility — Conformance and
   Discoverability Requirements for EPUB Publications requirements (replaces N
   - SC34/JWG7 N154, Disposition of comments on ISO/IEC CD 23761 Digital
   Publishing —EPUB Accessibility — Conformance and Discoverability
   Requirements for EPUB Publications
   - SC34/JWG7 N155, Draft text for DIS ballot of ISO/IEC 23761 and call
   for review in two weeks period
   - SC34/JWG7 N156, Final text for DIS ballot of ISO/IEC 23761 EPUB
   Accessibility — Conformance and Discoverability Requirements for EPUB
   - SC34/JWG7 N157, Summary of Voting within SC 34 and TC 46/SC 4 on
   ISO/IEC DTS 23078-1, Specification of DRM technology for digital
   publications -- Part 1: Overview of copyright protection technologies in
   use in the publishing industry
   - SC34/JWG7 N158, Summary of Voting within SC 34 and TC 46/SC 4 on
   ISO/IEC DTS 23078-2, Specification of DRM technology for digital
   publications — Part 2: User key-based protection
   - SC34/JWG7 N159, Cancellation of JWG7 "Joint JTC 1/SC 34-TC 46/SC
   4-IEC/TC 100/TA 10 WG; EPUB" meeting in May 11, 2020 (London, UK)
   - SC34/JWG7 N160, Text for ISO/IEC DTS 23078-3, Information Technology
   -- Specification of DRM technology for digital publications -- Part 3:
   Device key-based protection
   - SC34/JWG7 N161, Proposed disposition of comments on SC34 N2698,
   Summary of Voting within SC 34 and TC 46/SC 4 on ISO/IEC DTS 23078-1,
   Specification of DRM technology for digital publications -- Part 1:
   Overview of copyright protection technologies in use in the publishing
   - SC34/JWG7 N162, Proposed disposition of comments on SC34 N2699,
   Summary of Voting within SC 34 and TC 46/SC 4 on ISO/IEC DTS 23078-2,
   Specification of DRM technology for digital publications — Part 2: User
   key-based protection


Received on Monday, 13 April 2020 09:43:34 UTC