W3C [PBG] Agenda for 20191001 call - US/Europe time

Hello Publishing Business Group members,

Below is the agenda for our call Tuesday, October 1st (US)/(Europe), to be held at [0].

Call at  https://www.w3.org/publishing/groups/publ-wg/Meetings/gotomeetings<https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2Fpublishing%2Fgroups%2Fpubl-wg%2FMeetings%2Fgotomeetings&data=02%7C01%7Claudrain%40hachette-livre.fr%7C5a060be1f44a4e0087df08d6fe6662c4%7Cf881a2c50a89483181b1c7846c49594d%7C0%7C0%7C636976113041971059&sdata=thr52UbE%2BaodUIkS3W0hzF4yU1fQzlGAaqSdphJMgKc%3D&reserved=0> [1]
W3C IRC: http://irc.w3.org/<https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Firc.w3.org%2F&data=02%7C01%7Claudrain%40hachette-livre.fr%7C5a060be1f44a4e0087df08d6fe6662c4%7Cf881a2c50a89483181b1c7846c49594d%7C0%7C0%7C636976113041981049&sdata=nb7w99kRHLxl6vwCCY9RfmdxkK4sijSxN7N1gc7idEU%3D&reserved=0>  (IRC channel #pbg).


  *   Updates:
     *   Review dates and new format for these meetings
        *   2 calls per month, one for European and one for Asian times
        *   Identify business cases and business issues to be discussed
        *   2 or 3 people should work on their own by discussions outside the PubBG calls
        *   Next call they bring proposals, and we get some kind of resolution
        *   Resolutions proposed by 72hours email so that all PBG members can validate

  *   TPAC F2F:
     *   Recap and Feedback
     *   Minutes from the PBG F2F at TPAC: https://w3c.github.io/publ-bg/Meetings/Minutes/2019/2019-09-19-pbg

     *   Presentations (link TK)

  *   From strategic meeting list of actions for PBG, 2 points to raise:
     *   EPUB 3 REC Track:
        *   Do you think it is necessary?
        *   Pros and cons document from discussion last winter: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17CyIqihtjjzT7Abbcq9sSqLNqLGKs2cuXdg4DcFulGY/edit#gid=0

        *   Consider this for the call next month
     *   Determine how to engage with BDCoMa CG:
        *   Have conversations with people of the community as co-chairs

  *   Accessibility:
     *   Issues among territories, what doesn’t work as expected for readers?
     *   Should we form a task force with publishing people to help them figure out holes in best practices and how to test for themselves?
     *   Would coordination across best practices and samples for accessibility testing across reading systems/screen readers be helpful?

  *   Still going on :
     *   EPUBCheck fundraising
        *   Relaunch fundraising efforts and PR for the next needs for the tools
        *   Document from Daisy to be shared

  *   Business short term/long term issues
     *   Share business issues you see across the landscape and marketplaces
     *   What’s coming in the near term?
     *   What might come in the future?

·         Questions/Comments
·         Action Items and Next Steps

On behalf of PBG co-chairs,
Liisa McCloy-Kelley

[0] https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=W3C+PBG+Call+US+%26+Europe&iso=20191001T12&p1=179&ah=1

[1] https://www.w3.org/publishing/groups/publ-wg/Meetings/gotomeetings<https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2Fpublishing%2Fgroups%2Fpubl-wg%2FMeetings%2Fgotomeetings&data=02%7C01%7Claudrain%40hachette-livre.fr%7C5a060be1f44a4e0087df08d6fe6662c4%7Cf881a2c50a89483181b1c7846c49594d%7C0%7C0%7C636976113041991045&sdata=mb%2BiL8CiT1sdMlYoGcqmZA4OWiGTLRMGc48kMfpRtD8%3D&reserved=0>

Received on Saturday, 28 September 2019 13:03:52 UTC