RE: [Minutes] 2019-10-29

I’m also very interested in Amazon’s “support” of MathML. In my experience equations are not rendered as expected. This dove tails with accessibility as we have to pull down the files that contain MathML and revert to an image.

Julie Blair
SAGE Publishing

From: Noah Genner <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2019 5:48 AM
To: Cristina Mussinelli - Fondazione LIA <>
Cc: AUDRAIN LUC <>; Karen Myers <>; Avneesh Singh <>; Ivan Herman <>; W3C Publishing Business Group <>
Subject: Re: [Minutes] 2019-10-29


 Just lurking here...
 Very interested in the Amazon discussions, as we are also having (hoping to have?) parallel discussions with the Amazon Canada team on the issue of accessibility in their digital books. Big focus on born accessible here in Canada at the moment and want to keep the momentum going. Happy to help with Amazon discussions/prodding.

Noah Genner
CEO, BookNet Canada

On Wed, Oct 30, 2019 at 7:26 AM Cristina Mussinelli - Fondazione LIA <<>> wrote:
Just for your information we will meet Amazon today during the Daisy board we will update on the discussion

Il giorno 29/10/19, 11:15 "AUDRAIN LUC" <<>> ha scritto:

    Dear Karen,


    Amazon Kindle format guidelines ask us publishers to provide EPUB files.
    Then we would like 2 things from Amazon:
    1) when we provide a fully accessible EPUB3, it would be good no accessibility feature is lost in the Kindle conversion. This is not the case today.
    2) as we have to provide EPUB file, it would be good if Amazon brings its support on "EPUB Accessibility 1.0" standards (built on WCAG plus EPUB stuff).

    Then we will all be in the same page for born accessible EPUBs...


    Le 29/10/2019 18:59, « Karen Myers » <<>> a écrit :

        Hi Avneesh,

        I’ll be in Seattle next Monday and Tuesday for the W3C Workshop on Inclusive and Immersive Web.

        If I can be helpful to advance your agenda in any way with a F2F meeting with Amazon folks, let me know.


        > On 29 Oct 2019, at 13:52, Avneesh Singh <<>> wrote:
        > Good discussions in the call, for EU accessibility act.
        > Regarding this Cristina, Luc, George and I are in touch with Amazon for harmonizing our approach for EPUB accessibility specs.
        > With regards
        > Avneesh
        > -----Original Message----- From: Ivan Herman
        > Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2019 22:46
        > To: W3C Publishing Business Group
        > Subject: [Minutes] 2019-10-29
        > Meeting minutes are here:

        > Ivan
        > ----
        > Ivan Herman, W3C
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Noah Genner<>
416.362.5057 X2210

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