EPUBCheck v4.2.0-alpha-1 released: a preview of (partial) EPUB 3.2 support!

Hi everyone,

The first preview release of EPUBCheck v4.2.0 (alpha 1), which provides initial (but limited) support for checking conformance to EPUB 3.2, is now available at the following page:


It essentially consists in updates to the schemas for Package Documents and Content Documents. Most notably, EPUBCheck now uses the latest schemas from the Nu Html Checker, which are kept up-to-date with latest changes in the HTML standard. This is already a major step towards the full support of EPUB 3.2!
Some old HTML features or elements have been deprecated or removed from HTML and are now reported as errors. It will be particularly important to test these alpha/beta versions of EPUBCheck as widely as possible, so that we can work towards a solid EPUB 3.2 support in due time (smile).

There are still many things left to implement before we can claim full conformance to the EPUB 3.2 specifications however; these are tracked as issues labelled as "spec: EPUB 3.2" in our issue tracker:


As always, feedback is welcome, via replies to this email or directly to our issue tracker on GitHub:



Romain Deltour – @rdeltour
Software and standards development
The DAISY Consortium

Received on Monday, 14 January 2019 15:25:59 UTC