Re: W3C [PBG] Action needed : approve EPUB3 Community Group EPUB 3.2 Final Report


2019年4月24日(水) 2:09 AUDRAIN LUC <>:

> Hello Publishing Business Group members,
> *EPUB 3.2 as a Final Community Group Report is finished* and the EPUB 3
> Community Group started last Thursday voting on its approval. The votes so
> far are all positive and voting will close on April 25th at 16UTC.
> *As chairs of the **Publishing Business Group, we ask you to express your
> support or opposition to bless this work, replying +1 or -1 to this mail.*
> Please respond by Tuesday, April 30th at 17UTC.
> The PBG members and chairs want to send a big thank you to all EPUB3 CG
> contributors for the work done on the EPUB 3.2 specification. A special
> dedication to Rachel and Dave as co-chairs.
> On behalf of PBG co-chairs
> Luc Audrain
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吉井 順一

Jun’Ichi Yoshii
Kodansha、Publishers, Ltd.
     2-12-21 Otowa, Bunkyo-ku
     Tokyo 112-8001 Japan

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Received on Wednesday, 24 April 2019 01:26:47 UTC