Re: W3C [PBG] Agenda for 20190423 call - Europe/US time

Regrets- still on disability recovering from surgery.

Date: Monday, April 22, 2019 at 12:05 PM
To: W3C Publishing Business Group <>
Subject: W3C [PBG] Agenda for 20190423 call - Europe/US time
Resent-From: <>
Resent-Date: Monday, April 22, 2019 at 12:05 PM

Hello Publishing Business Group members,

Below is the agenda for our call this coming Tuesday, April 23rd, to be held at [0].

Minutes of the last Eurpe/US PBG call 0409 :<> (No East Asia PBG call last week)


  *   Updates/Discussion: (20 minutes)

     *   Event Calendar of Publishing Events [1]
     *   EPUB 3.2 Status Update:

        *   The EPUB 3 Community Group is currently voting on approving EPUB 3.2 as a Final Community Group Report. So far the vote is 31-0 in favor. (As of April 22nd) The voting period ends on Thursday, April 24th at 16UTC.

           *   See Dave’s mail at<>

        *   Today's PBG April 23rd call, officially bless EPUB 3.2 as Final Report and launch a vote for consensus by email to all the PBG members to vote for a week until Tuesday, April 30th inclusive. (Daihei will reach out to East Asia/Japan PBG members on the voting process.)

           *   Announce the availability of EPUBCheck 4.2.0
           *   Collect testimonials for EPUB 3.2 adoption. This should go broader than W3C members
           *   Launch communication

        *   Patent commitments to EPUB 3.2:

           *   PBG members to start reaching out to those who contributed to EPUB 3.2, for soliciting patent commitments.
           *   To sign is<>

     *   EPUBCheck fundraising/next steps reminder

        *   Pledged : 2/3 of total amount
        *   Phase 1 almost achieved : Maintenance release for important issues and updating EpubCheck to EPUB 3.2 (April 2019)
        *   Funding next phases and potential timeline:
        *   Phase 2: Clean-up, Documentation, Refactoring and Media Overlays support (Nov/Dec 2019)
        *   Phase 3: EPUBCheck prototype based on Nu HTML Checker/Integration (March 2020)
        *   Phase 4: Maintenance (May 2020, ongoing)

  *   EPUB 3.2 and EPUBCheck 4.2.0 announcement plan (20 minutes):


  *   Future Discussion Topics (15 minutes)


        *   Are these topics of interest? Are there others that you would like to add? What are the problems you see that need solving?

  *   Questions/Comments (5 minutes)

  *   Action Items and Next Steps (5 minutes)
Please join with EDRLab GoToMeeting [2]  (IRC channel #pbg).
On behalf of PBG co-chairs
Luc Audrain




Received on Tuesday, 23 April 2019 14:58:43 UTC