Re: [PBG] Agenda for 20181009 call

Likely regrets tomorrow. I am in Frankfurt attending the book fair, and
I'll be at EDItEUR's annual supply-chain meeting and a following networking
event at the time of the call.

With respect to agenda item 1, we promoted the EPUBCheck fundraising
efforts in the BISG newsletter last Tuesday (thanks to Bill Kasdorf for the
reminder). We can do this again, and it would help to have a link to a more
blog-style advocacy piece (the current page is closer to an FAQ, and
varying the format would help). To provide an example, we wrote an advocacy
piece about the W3C
<> itself
a few weeks ago.

With respect to agenda item 3, I've added an accessibility event that BISG
has on the calendar for next year. It is tentative but relevant if it comes

With respect to agenda item 4, I heard from two education publishers at a
Firebrand community conference that the lack of Math ML support in certain
browsers was a deal-breaker in their use of EPUB. I'd given a talk that
I'll post next week that included advocacy for EPUB and other standards,
and they provided real-life feedback. It's a supply-chain problem that the
W3C could use as an argument for membership if they can find a path forward
with various players, particularly device manufacturers and browsers.

On Mon, Oct 8, 2018 at 11:47 AM McCloy-Kelley, Liisa <> wrote:

> Hello W3C Publishing Business Group Members:
> Below is the agenda for our call this coming Tuesday, October 9th  to be
> held at [0].
> We hope you will be able to join us!
> Please join with EDRLab GoToMeeting [1]  (IRC channel *#pbg*).
> *Agenda:*
> 1) EPUB3 Roadmap
>    - EPUB3 Community Group : EPUB 3.2 release status
>    - EPUBcheck - Update on Development and Fundraising – please socialize
>    and commit funds! @ [2]
> 2) Ideas/Topics for Agenda for TPAC and coordination with WG
> 3) Follow-up on Conference Collection Data -  please populate @[3]
> 4) Discussion of EPUB Marketplace Requirements/Wishes/Dreams @ [4]:
>    - The ways forward for MathML and ChemML – is there one?
>    - What to do with pagination when it doesn’t match print – inserts,
>    content that is moved, removed pages
> Please send along any other agenda items you might have.
> On behalf of PBG co-chairs,
> Liisa McCloy-Kelley
> [0]
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> =0
> [4]

Brian F. O'Leary
Executive Director, Book Industry Study Group
232 Madison Avenue, Suite 1400
New York, NY 10016

(646) 336-7141 office
(973) 985-9880 mobile

Received on Monday, 8 October 2018 16:09:04 UTC