Sep 18-19 workshop (Tokyo) call for participation published

Dear W3C Publishing folks,

The W3C workshop on "Digital Publication Layout and Presentation (from Manga
to Magazines)" has just been publicly announced [1] and the call for
participation is live [2]. I hope you will consider submitting an expression
of interest in participating / proposing to present something (via
submitting a position paper). And we'd appreciate it if you could promote
the event via your own channels.


Thanks to the co-chairs (Luc Audrain, Murata Makoto, and Florian Rivoal),
Ivan Herman, and others for a lot of hard work to get us to this stage.
Thanks as well to those who have agreed to be on the program committee [3]
and we do anticipate a few more additions to it so it's still not too late
to suggest someone or volunteer.


Thanks as well to Keio University and its Advanced Publishing Lab for
hosting the workshop. There are also sponsorship opportunities [4] for the












Received on Tuesday, 26 June 2018 13:38:27 UTC