Re: [Minutes] Minutes of 2018-01-16 telco

Hi Ivan,

It looks that my comment towards end of the call was missed out, may be 
because the scribing switched over from Rachel to Dave at that time.
It is just after Cristina's comment. I have placed it in quotes in the 
following text.
Apart of it I am also adding another possible formulation of SC/task force 
leads committee.

Cristina Mussinelli: it’s not clear to me what we are trying to do
… we need a chair for each TF
… how is this chair defined?
… we need to overlap the SC and chair
… can we define as precisely as possible these needs for the next meeting?
… One option is to propose the leads of the task forces
… who would be the other people working on the task forces
… how long would these people be chairs

“Avneesh: Big +1 to Bill K. comment, the task forces can be very short 
lived. For example in past we had W3C publishing summit taskforce, we have 
synchronized media work which is short term and is focused in finding the 
path ahead, we have EPUB 3 roadmap taskforce. So, will this mean a volatile 
steering committee which keeps on expanding and contracting? Further to it, 
if we are having task forces for atomic tasks then we may have many task 
forces as we move ahead, so the size of steering committee will become a 
concern. Coming to Cristina’s comment, one of the alternate formulations 
that George and I discussed before this call is to have finite members of 
steering committee who are elected for 2018 as earlier. And each steering 
committee member either takes up leadership of task force or should take 
responsibility to update the steering committee about the work done in the 
task forces.”

One alternate formulation that I thought of after the call is to avoid 
mixing the elected steering committee and nominated task force leads.
The task forces are not finite, so it is difficult to have proper mapping of 
steering committee members to the task forces. One way can be to go for 
elected steering committee in 2018 as earlier, and create a chairs 
coordination group that have leads of all task forces. We can have combined 
steering committee and chairs coordination group calls for planning purpose. 
It is possible that many chairs of task forces are also elected steering 
committee members, and if they are not, then also they will be included in 
the discussions as the members of chairs coordination group.
So, steering committee meetings can be replaced by the steering committee + 
Chairs coordination group meetings, and all planning related discussions can 
take place there.
The only differentiation factor would be approval of specs/plans etc where 
the steering committee has elevated role, and for this, a separate steering 
committee meeting can take place 2 or 3 times a year. This arrangement can 
continue till end of 2018, because the merger documents mentions elected 
steering committee. After which the steering committee can go away if we 
have consensus that chairs coordination group based approach is better.

With regards
-----Original Message----- 
From: Ivan Herman
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2018 15:59
To: W3C Publishing Business Group
Subject: [Minutes] Minutes of 2018-01-16 telco

Received on Wednesday, 17 January 2018 14:10:59 UTC