Re: ISO/IEC standardization of EPUB 3.0.1 and EPUB A11Y 1.0

The DRM NWIP ballot succeeded.

Makoto (liaison from SC34 to W3C)

2018年8月30日(木) 0:10 MURATA Makoto <>:

> Liisa,
> The result of the recent New Work Item Proposal ballot for
> EPUB DRM has not been announced yet.  If the result is
> positive, a new project for creating a Technical Specification
> will start.
> In my understanding, W3C (including Publishing@W3C)
> is reluctant to standardize further DRM specifications.
> 22424-1 and -2 are being balloted again.
> 22424-1 and -2 are based on Open archival information system
> (OAIS) (See
> .)
> OAIS is for long-term preservation (e.g.,  100 years).
> Since I do not know OAIS well, 22424-1 and -2 are beyond
> me.
> Some recent SC34 and JWG7 documents can be found at:
> If EPUB provides an infrastructure of digital documents,
> it is not surprising to see many projects around EPUB
> in many standardization organizations.
> Regards,
> Makoto
> 2018年8月29日(水) 22:51 McCloy-Kelley, Liisa <
>> Makoto-
>> We missed you very much on the call and hope that you will feel better
>> soon!
>> Thanks so much for sending us this update. It is very helpful to know
>> where we stand on EPUB 3.0.1 and the fast track process and Japan’s efforts
>> around EPUB A11Y 1.0.
>> Are you aware of the current work within the ISO world relative to:
>>    - JTC 1/SC 34 and the group to develop a standard protocol for a DRM
>>    wrapper for EPUB
>>    - PDTS ISO/IEC 2244-2 EPUB Preservation – Part 2
>> Do you have thoughts about either of these or feel that we as the PBG
>> should discuss them relative to our own work?
>> Part of our discussion last night was about the fact that we would
>> generally like to have clean lines of coordination and discussion of ISO
>> work that is relative to EPUB. We’d love for you to weigh in on any
>> thoughts of how we might do that.
>> Best,
>> Liisa
>> *From: *MURATA Makoto <>
>> *Date: *Wednesday, August 29, 2018 at 7:05 AM
>> *To: *W3C Publishing Business Group <>
>> *Subject: *ISO/IEC standardization of EPUB 3.0.1 and EPUB A11Y 1.0
>> *Resent-From: *<>
>> *Resent-Date: *Wednesday, August 29, 2018 at 7:04 AM
>> Dear colleagues,
>> I am very sorry for missing the last teleconference of the PBG.
>> I was sick and was thus unable to stay awake.  Let me report
>> the current status of the ISO/IEC standardization of EPUB 3.0.1
>> and EPUB A11Y 1.0.
>> 1. Decisions of the PBG meeting
>> In the PBG meeting on April 24 [1], we adopted the recommendation
>> of a task force for creating ISO/IEC specifications for EPUB 3.X
>> and EPUB A11Y.  The recommendation is basically
>> ISO/IEC standardization of EPUB 3.0.1 and EPUB Accessibility 1.0.
>> [1]
>> 2. EPUB 3.0.1
>> To publish EPUB 3.0.1 as International Standards, the PBG sent two
>> liaison statements.  Daniel Dardailler (W3C Director of International
>> Relations) does not see any problems with these liaison statements.
>> In the first liaison statement [2], we asked SC34/JWG7 not to publish
>> 3.0.1 as Technical Specifications.  In the second liaison statement
>> [3], we asked Korea to submit 3.0.1 as DISs by the fast-track
>> procedure.
>> I heard from Yong-Sang Cho of Korea that Korean NB submitted EPUB
>> 3.0.1 via the fast-track procedure on August 6.  Voting is expected to
>> start soon.
>> [2]
>> [3]
>> 3. EPUB A11Y 1.0
>> To publish EPUB Accessibility 1.0 as an International Standard, Japan
>> prepared a draft of a new work item proposal [4].  Japan requested
>> SC34/JWG7 to discuss this proposal in the upcoming SC34/JWG7 meeting
>> on September 12.  Japan plans to officially submit this proposal and
>> start a ballot after the meeting.
>> Daniel Dardailler confirmed that W3C has no issue with this
>> transposition, although he did suggest another possibility: creating a
>> W3C recommendation for EPUB A11Y first and then sending it to JTC1 via
>> the PAS procedure.  Members of the task force (mentioned above) think
>> that his suggestion is a very useful input for the standardization
>> of EPUB A11Y 1.1 (not 1.0) and beyond.
>> [4]
>> Regards,
>> Makoto
> --
> Praying for the victims of the Japan Tohoku earthquake
> Makoto


Praying for the victims of the Japan Tohoku earthquake


Received on Thursday, 30 August 2018 08:58:20 UTC