Coordination with potential IEEE-LTSC effort


I am chairing a new 6-month exploratory study group organized by the IEEE
Learning Technology Standards Committee (IEEE-LTSC). This group is
considering the development of a technical report, guide, recommended
practice, or full use standard (whichever is determined to be most
appropriate) that would address requirements for eBooks intended for use as
learning platforms. Requirements being considered include requirements for
data analytics, embedding interactive elements (e.g. assessments),
 sharable annotation, collaboration, displaying technical notation,
adaptation of content based on user profiles or preference, and access to
sensors, ports, and communication functionality.

The general idea is to identify and prioritize requirements and to document
ways to meet the requirements using EPUB 3.1, IMS Global specifications,
xAPI, standards related to competency-based training and education, and
other relevant specifications and standards. Since this is related to the
work of this community, I would greatly appreciate your feedback and
thoughts on the following questions:


   What is the best way to coordinate this work with the EPUB 3.1 effort?


   Are there pieces, e.g. xAPI reporting, that should be included directly
   in the EPUB 3.1 effort?


   Are there pieces within the current EPUB 3.1 scope that might best be
   handled within the IEEE if the IEEE effort goes forward?

I am looking forward to your input!

All the best,

Robby Robson



   The potential IEEE-LTSC effort has been discussed with Markus Gylling
   and others involved in the IMS Global EPUB for Education effort. The
   intent is to reference IMS Global specifications and not to duplicate any


   The IEEE Standards Association and the W3C both subscribe to the principles
   of <> which I
   am hoping makes collaboration easier.

Robby Robson


Received on Tuesday, 3 October 2017 18:04:39 UTC