Re: Planning the W3C Publishing Summit

Bill – I would be willing to volunteer to help, especially to ensure that the event doesn’t turn into an IDPF event with a different logo.

[playing my standard song here]
If Publishing@W3C is to succeed with its goals to reach out beyond the classic publishers of yore – we have a LOT of work to do – and that starts with who we target and how we target them.  From reading the pages to far, I don’t see that happening.  I see the same group of people reaching out to the same people with the same messaging – but with new logos on their banners.

So I am willing to put my time where my mouth is…provided that the BG is actually willing to support my doing it…


From: Bill Kasdorf <>
Date: Friday, May 19, 2017 at 4:57 AM
To: "" <>
Subject: Planning the W3C Publishing Summit
Resent-From: <>
Resent-Date: Friday, May 19, 2017 at 4:58 AM

Hi, folks—

As we’ve previously discussed, there will be a W3C Publishing Summit—a 1½ day conference—on November 9-10 in San Francisco during TPAC week. (I’ve agreed to co-chair.) We are hoping to draw 200+ attendees. Several members of the Publishing Business Group Steering Committee have volunteered to be on a Program Committee for the event and we are soliciting additional volunteers, including, I hope, somebody to join me as co-chair.

More information on the event is available at the (Member-only) Wiki page:<>, and specifics for theme and program are here:<>. Note that we have a straw-man for a theme but this is by no means carved in stone.

The public announcement and opening of registration for the event is expected to be June 12. We hope to have a program outline by then and to publicize a final program by late July. So we definitely have work to do but it will be relatively short in duration.

If you are interested in volunteering, please let me know ASAP. We will briefly discuss this in our call on Tuesday. If you can’t volunteer but have suggestions to pass along, that’s fine too.


Bill Kasdorf, on behalf of the W3C Publishing Summit Program Committee

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Bill Kasdorf

VP and Principal Consultant | Apex CoVantage


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Received on Friday, 19 May 2017 11:33:54 UTC