Re: PBG-SC today’s call

I’m about to get on a plane and also can’t be on the call. It looks like Monday 10am would work for an rec track tf call.

Can someone check if we can use the regular gotomeeting?

If not, I can setup a webex once I’m somewhere with a stable connection.


[Please forgive any textual oddities. My iOS device thinks it knows what to say, but we haven't lived together long enough yet for it to truly end my sentences.]

On Nov 16, 2018, at 10:43 AM, AUDRAIN LUC <<>> wrote:

Good question !

I’ve tried to find a W3C definition of “quorum”:
The Process Document does not require a quorum for decisions (i.e., the minimal number of eligible participants required to be present before the Chair can call a question). A charter may include a quorum requirement for consensus decisions.

Our charter has nothing for that.

We can still work on that agenda to built proposals.


De : "Siegman, Tzviya" <<>>
Date : vendredi 16 novembre 2018 à 16:33
À : Dave Cramer <<>>, AUDRAIN LUC <<>>
Cc : W3C Publishing Steering Committee <<>>
Objet : RE: PBG-SC today’s call

With so many regrets today, I’m wondering if we will have a quorum.

Tzviya Siegman
Information Standards Lead

From: Dave Cramer <<>>
Sent: Friday, November 16, 2018 10:09 AM
Cc: W3C Publishing Steering Committee <<>>
Subject: Re: PBG-SC today’s call

Regrets, I and my entire family are sick :(

On Fri, Nov 16, 2018 at 9:10 AM AUDRAIN LUC <<>> wrote:

Proposition of agenda for today’s call.
Following our discussions on this thread, I see at least 3 items:

  *   PBG-SC meeting times

     *   PBG : less frequent and more organized calIs in the beginning of 2019
     *   One and only one time for every call or an alternate calls with 2 different time zones?

  *   Friday call exclusively for coordinating activities between the three groups
  *   Nature of the ‘steering committee’
We nay of course add other points.


Received on Friday, 16 November 2018 15:54:51 UTC