Re: PBG Steering Committee call tomorrow (Friday)? Tues PBG meeting agenda?

I have a longer trip home... so will be heading LHR->SAN, so won't be able
to join.


On Fri, May 18, 2018 at 4:30 AM W3C <> wrote:

> I'm on my way home now, unless there are major problems I should be
> available.
> Ivan
> ----
> Ivan Herman
> +31 641044153
> (Written on my mobile. Excuses for brevity and frequent misspellings...)
> On 17 May 2018, at 23:06, Bill McCoy <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Sorry to not have sent a query out sooner but I didn’t see any email re: a
> SC call tomorrow (Friday 5/18) at usual time (11am ET). I’m available but
> I’m not sure about other folks who are/were here in Berlin for the Digital
> Publishing Summit - Luc, Garth & Ivan - so not sure if we have a quorum.
> One topic for the full BG meeting, that I don’t think necessarily needs
> pre-flighting at SC level, could be to recap the Publishing Summit for
> folks who couldn’t make it. I felt it was very successful and Garth did an
> fantastic job covering the background and strategy and showcasing
> everything going on across the three Publishing@W3C groups. Luc did a
> very touching tribute to Pierre Danet as part of the opening of the event,
> which I and I know others really appreciated.
> Another topic is to cover the now (finally) more clear focus and logistics
> for the Tokyo workshop in September, this got basically resolved during
> this week. I will send to the SC separate email about this first thing
> tomorrow (too late for me to do anything coherent tonight). That could
> perhaps benefit from some SC discussion but that could be in email if a
> call tomorrow doesn’t make sense.
> Thanks,
> --Bill

Received on Friday, 18 May 2018 06:02:52 UTC