RE: late incoming: Publishing@W3C Summit Theme

For everyone’s convenience and so we can keep track there is now a program committee section on - add away.


I am wondering whether PBG-SC wants to discuss the theme/approach/goals as a whole on Tues and then the PC can have a more focused discussion about sessions/speakers? Or do folks want to delegate the whole enchilada to the folks who want to be in the PC? Esteemed co-chairs, what do you think?


BTW in re: goals, please note I have added something to that– “Assure base in IDPF community that Publishing@W3C continues to be (is even more of) a vibrant community, not just a place for developing technical standards ... and reel them in if not already engaged.” – this was my paraphrase of a comment today from Jeff. He might even argue it should be THE singular goal, since it is really the main opportunity this year for us to do stuff beyond developing standards and if we don’t do that visibility, and well at this conference folks could reasonably conclude that developing standards is all Publishing@W3C is going to do. Jeff even suggested – not necessarily seriously – that the event maybe shouldn’t even have W3C in the name! (but understood the logic of promoting the new Publishing@W3C brand).


George, glad to hear no BiB to complicate things, that could open up some other partnering opportunities (I added Internet Archive to the list of possible external venues that’s on the main event page at  - BTW folks should feel free to edit this page too.

Tzviya, Micah is both a dear friend and someone I love to listen to at conferences but in event-speak he’s not a headliner. Maybe you were just being cute but in case not, I don’t think a large number of people will buy tickets just because Micah’s on the program and independent of what he’s speaking about. To me headliners would be Tim O’Reilly, Arianna Huffington,, Larry Page, anyone from Amazon or Apple. Maybe a Kara Swisher or  a Nick Bilton or a Larry Lessig. Vint Cerf if you are a techie. Etc . These are the folks who we could make a case to spring for a hotel room or maybe even a flight. And I do want to budget a bit for that esp. since it’s far from NYC. But I don’t think we can afford to spring for travel costs for folks like Micah who are already in the tribe even ones we really want to get on the program. Either the event itself is an attraction (as I know it will be for Micah or not.


Anyway, if the PC wants to put together a program sans anchor headliners that is fine of course and would greatly simplify the planning (landing name speakers, even not so famous ones like Malcolm Gladwell, is a huge pain in the butt, as is “handling” them en route and day-of). But if we are going to appeal outside the ebooks ecosystem we should also realize that our rock star speakers like Micah will not be known to a corporate publisher used to going to Gilbane conferences to hear about the future of publishing (and visa-versa). Only a very few folks like BillK traipse with ease across the many fields of pubishing!




From: George Kerscher [] 
Sent: Friday, May 12, 2017 2:57 PM
To: 'Paul Belfanti' <>; 'McCloy-Kelley, Liisa' <>; 'Dave Cramer' <>
Cc: 'Graham Bell' <>; 'Bill McCoy' <>; 'Tzviya Siegman' <>; 'Bill Kasdorf' <>; 'Karen Myers' <>; 'Luc Audrain' <>; 'PBG Steering Committee (Public)' <>
Subject: RE: late incoming: Publishing@W3C Summit Theme


Count me in, and B in Browsers on hold:

Tweet from @naypinya


Peter Brantley @naypinya


We’re putting Books in Browsers on hold for another year. Media 

landscape is evolving too rapidly! We’ll be back in 2018. #bib17






From: Paul Belfanti [ <>] 
Sent: Friday, May 12, 2017 1:14 PM
To: McCloy-Kelley, Liisa < <>>; Dave Cramer < <>>
Cc: Graham Bell < <>>; Bill McCoy < <>>; Tzviya Siegman < <>>; George Kerscher < <>>; Bill Kasdorf < <>>; Karen Myers < <>>; Luc Audrain < <>>; PBG Steering Committee (Public) < <>>
Subject: Re: late incoming: Publishing@W3C Summit Theme


You can count me in.




Paul Belfanti

Vice President, Production, Manufacturing & Content Architecture

Ascend Learning

(w) 978.639.3536

(m) 201.783.4884



From: "McCloy-Kelley, Liisa" < <>>
Date: Friday, May 12, 2017 at 1:08 PM
To: Dave Cramer < <>>
Cc: Graham Bell < <>>, Bill McCoy < <>>, Tzviya Siegman < <>>, George Kerscher < <>>, Bill Kasdorf < <>>, Karen Myers < <>>, Luc Audrain < <>>, Paul Belfanti < <>>, "PBG Steering Committee (Public)" < <>>
Subject: Re: late incoming: Publishing@W3C Summit Theme


So it would appear that the following people have volunteered for the programming committee:

- Dave

- Tzviya

- Bill

- Liisa


Who else is with us? 




From: Dave Cramer < <>>
Date: Friday, May 12, 2017 at 12:55 PM
To: Microsoft Office User < <>>
Cc: Graham Bell < <>>, Bill McCoy < <>>, Tzviya Siegman < <>>, George Kerscher < <>>, Bill Kasdorf < <>>, Karen Myers < <>>, Luc Audrain < <>>, Paul Belfanti < <>>, "PBG Steering Committee (Public)" < <>>
Subject: Re: late incoming: Publishing@W3C Summit Theme


On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 12:23 PM, McCloy-Kelley, Liisa < <> > wrote:

Hi All-


Sorry I had to drop out of the discussion for the last 36 hours- it was all the usual health and work stuff. Dang that day job. 


Sorry to hear that. I hope all is well!



I’ve tried to catch up this morning and wanted to throw in a few things that I’m happy to put on the wiki if that helps. 

1. I’m in agreement with those who think that plenary is the way to go and that panels are not always great. I’ve participated in and observed few panels over the years that I thought were engaging. Doing multiple tracks is more work and more to manage. 



1. Short topical sessions would be my preference, with a large variety of 15-20 minute topics- this is one of the most successful things to me about BiB. No one gets a chance to fall asleep. 

This helps the audience, and it also helps the speakers focus on what's important. But let's not have anyone drag a speaker off the stage after precisely ten minutes. 


1. The Pecha Kucha style lightening rounds at EPUB Summit were great and that might be a good way to get things going at that slow moment after lunch. 

Yeah, that was really quite fun! Great idea. 


1. I’m not sure that I think “keynote” speakers are worth it. There are few big names in all of this at this point who people would pay to come see. 

I've generally found the keynotes to be the least interesting part of any conference I've attended. 


1. Having a clear “networking space” for people to talk in if the current session wasn’t to their liking would be fantastic. 




As for themes, I feel like the overarching theme needs to be relatable, sexy and interesting. We need something that is going to draw those folks who think that “ebooks are done and over” and help them understand we’re just getting started. There is so much more to do. This next evolution is beyond anything we’ve seen in the last 18 years and has great potential. 


What if we did something like: 

- The Horizon of Digital Publishing: What You Need to Be Doing NOW, What You Need to Be Considering SOON and How the Web Will Influence the Future of Reading


That way the sessions could be grouped: 

- Now- Accessibility, Adopt EPUB3, Why Standards Matter, The Shock of the New

- Soon(ish)- Better formatting, Connecting Publications to the Web

- Future- EPUB 2027, PWP, web payments and all the amazing things


I really like this framing. It allows us to cover lots of topics, but gives a sense of where they fit in the proverbial "big picture."



This type of organization would help those who are never quite sure where something falls in the time-space continuum and need to know that we have to use this opportunity we have to push back the edges of the box we’re in.  (and yes, you know there is one of those boxes on your doorstep right now). 





If we could get someone to talk about studies of digital reading habits with real info, that would be a HUGE draw for more publishing people. There is so little info out there about this that is trustworthy. 


Micah has huge amounts of reading data, is totally awesome, and was one of everyone's favorite speakers at ebookcraft. Just sayin' :)





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